Bullseye - how is that working for you?
Well, I can tell you about how good a group it shoots, but I have yet to shoot anything with it. My wife has shot the wings off a few butterflys, but I am not sure that counts.
At 50 & 100 yards a 5 shot group less than an inch is a regular occurence.
The thing has no kick at all so you can lay that 14" barrel on a sandbag and the grip on another sandbag and pull the trigger. Last time I shot it I got a .5" group at 100 yards. When I bought it from Ed he told me that he had been shooting cycata's (have not idea how to spell that) at 100-125 yard with a contender carbine.
I really like it. It is just a fun non kicking gun to play around with that just happens to be very accurate.
Did I sell you on the barrel. If not, go for the Striker. It is really a personal choice. Mine is a T/C factory barrel, but I did see last week where Bulberry has 10.5" barrels on sale for around $235 I believe it was. That might not be bad, because the 14" tube with that small of a bore is heavy gun, but that does make it work well from a rest.