Author Topic: 300/221 and LIL gun  (Read 425 times)

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Offline Plumbrich

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300/221 and LIL gun
« on: October 04, 2004, 09:38:44 AM »
Has any of you worked up any loads using LIL gun.I have used it from 357 to 44mag and it performed very well.I wanted to work up loads for my AR in 300/221.It shoots well with WW 296, H110 and 1680 I was thinking the LiL gun would work well.It has all ways done well in my contender pistols.

I know I was asking about a load in my AR and this is a contender forum.
Contender shooters always seem to have the best Data on this cartridge.
Thanks in advance.
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Offline BruceP

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300/221 and LIL gun
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2004, 03:21:49 PM »
I worked up to 17.5 gr of Lil'Gun with a 125 gr. Ballistic Tip. In my 10" barrel Contender the few I shot over the crono got right at 2000 fps. I'm still working on my handgun shooting form (not nearly as much as I should) so I can't tell you a lot about  the accuracy.
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Offline alwaystryin

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« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2004, 09:11:58 AM »
I emailed Hodgdon about loads for the 300/221 and they responded : "We have no information on that caliber"

Thought it was funny since H-110 is the most recomended power for this caliber. Obviously its not recomended by Hodgdon.

Offline Jim S

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30/221 &LilG
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2004, 02:18:54 PM »
Bruce  I use 18.5/H110 /125 in my 30/221and get 1950.Ohter friends who shoot 30/221's use 19.0/H110/125 and 2050.  The little gun should burn about 5-8% slower than H110 so you should be able to go 19.0-19.5 at least with LG. I have some LG also and have not had a chance to load it yet in my 30/221. I determined my max loads by measuring case heads , just in front of the extractor cut , ususally .374, and I have found any load that bumps the case head greater than .376 is too hot and enlarges the primer pockets. I would be interested to see what you get velocity wise with the 19-19.5 range of LG and the 125 BT.
Keep in touch and let us know about your experiments. Jim