I agree. Here in southeastern Nebraska, beaver season starts Nov 1, and that's too early for here, too.
Beaver just seem to prime up much later than many of our other furbearers. I believe it has something to do with where they spend 99% of their time, either underground, in a lodge, or swimming. Water freezes on the surface at 32 degrees, but under water its not frozen yet and is still at or above 32. The lodges and underground burrows are insulated from the direct cold air, too.
I know daylight hours drive primeness, but too some extent so does the cold. I've caught a lot of November beaver, and get some unprime ones. December, January, and February seem much better time periods for quality beaver pelts around here. The season here also goes clear until March 31st, but in March you see a lot of biting damage from fights, and the later in March the more deteriation in pelt quality shows up, too.
I know you are quite a bit North and West of me, so you would have to adjust your prime calendar a bit, but that above is the guide that I have to go by if I want quality.