I got a bad taste in my mouth using winchester 30/30 when I was younger one of my first deer guns, I was hunting a valley and four deer came across me for a good shot using the 30/30. I hit the first buck behind the shoulder, he went down got right back up and started to move away,he was only twenty yards away, I got two more shots into him broadside, still he still strayed far enough away for another hunter to down him, all three shots were good shots, this frustrated me so much, I got rid of the 30/30 and got a 300 Savage, never had a deer walk away ever since. Aim small hit small. RAMbo.
P.S. you guys in Tenn don't consider Ferrell boars dangerous game, I do, I was charged once after downing a big german boar,close to 300pds, the other boar charged after the shot, I was using scoped 450 Marlin guidegun. Luckly he decided to stop at thirty yards, tore up a tree then snorted at me and left.