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Offline Double D

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Trophy Transfer
« on: January 19, 2003, 05:38:15 PM »
Your outfitter/Taxisermist.shipping agent should help you with this.  Different rules for different countries and animals.  Generally speaking  your trophies will be dipped and packed and shipped to your taxidermist. The hides and horns will have to be completely dry.  They may need special permits for export and import.  Your Taxidermist or Shipping agent will have to present your shipment for Inspection when it comes in.

Don't have the taxidermy done overseas, it's cheaper, but cost more to ship and if you don't  like it you'll have to figure out how to get it shipped back if you can.

Offline JJHACK

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Trophy Transfer
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2003, 11:11:14 AM »
I would suggest if your going to the expense of taxidermy for all or most of your trophies that you research a qualtiy "African game" qualified taxidermist.  You will know he is by two disticnct things.

#1 he will have a display with plenty of African game heads already done.
#2 He will handle the importing of all your trophies for you and issue you laminated tags for your trophies with his name and address on one side and yours on  the other. He will also hand you a typed instruction sheet for the Pack and Dip company to follow for the shipping instructions.

If either one of these two is not fully obvious then keep shopping! Any Taxidermist who does enough African work to be good at it is also taking charge of the shipping and recieveing of the trophies.  Many will have them shipped directly to Hecny brokerage and then transfered to New Method tannery in San Franscisco.  When the tanning of the hides is done the tannery will ship to the Taxidermist and he can begin mounting them. All this is done for you without you even knowing about it when an experienced and qualified taxidermist is involved.

When you talk to him (or her) see what they say about all this. If it looks like they are confused or don't want to deal with it, Move on to another one! Every single well qualified taxidermist is involved with the direct shipping through a broker to the tannery. I can list a half dozen off the top of my head on the west coast who run their business this way.