Hi Rogmatt, I had an earlier trade with VC on the new site that went great. I remember him well from the old site, always seemed to be a stand up guy. My second and last deal with him went badly and I was not paid for one of the group barrels I was lucky enough to get and offered to others here (the guy that had them for sale said he thought he might come across more and knew of at least one more, a 12 gauge with a barrel that was "peeled back" for a couple of inches at the muzzle, I said I'd buy it and as many as he could locate but he has never gotten back to me).
After some searching and legwork I was able to locate some information and numbers for VC. As a result of this and with some legwork (and being ready, willing, able, as well as making preparations to seek legal recourse through the local DA's office and the courts)
I was able to get compensation for the barrel I sent him. I have not heard from him since.
At my offer and at the request of Griz and Markus I have shared that information with them. I feel that info should be limited to those who are owed something from VC as a result of trades, sales, or deals gone bad on this forum. I am here to help anyone so affected. Since the trades were conducted through the US Postal Service there may be a chance (99% chance) that the violations would be both investigated and prosecuted by the Postal Inspection service. Very easy for the person wronged, the Postal Inspectors do most of the work, you just request and complete a complaint form they mail to you and then mail it in, the Postal Inspectors do the invest and seek federal complaints.
Depending what state you live in and the laws of that state you may be able to file a larceny complaint at YOUR local court (this is dependant on larceny being a "continuing offense" under your states laws, if it is, the venue is where it occurs, where it is initiated, or any area through which the stolen property passes, in other words, where he lives, where you live, or anywhere in between. You might be able to file a complaint at your local court, if he then fails to answer the complaint a warrant could issue from your court for his arrest).
If you only live a couple of states away as I do, and every month or so travel within a few miles of the local court in the area where the "defendant" lives you could seek complaints at the local court of jurisdiction.
I wish the best to Griz, Markus, and VC also. I learned long ago to not dislike the person but what they did. If VC wanted to trade again, and as long as he sent his stuff first, I would still trade with him, no animosity but the trust is gone. I still hope he decides to make things right for Griz and Markus, but remember, to push it you have to be willing to follow through.This whole incident was really a black mark for this forum, but it can be made much better, come on VC, make it better, honor your commitments, I know you can....<><.... :wink: