I understand that the High Standard .22 pistols were well built and highly competitive on the range.
My experience with High Standard is somewhat different . I have in recent years, picked up several old .22 rifles,which gave me some pleasurable
hours, refurbishing those old treasures.
Last year, I was visiting Mark, who is a local police chief.. at his local gun store. Scanning the rack of used guns, I picked up a J C Higgins/High
Standard model 31..
When I inquired the price..Mark said "you can have it"! So with a "thank you", and buying some ammo..I put it in my Jeep when I left.
Once home and broken down, I realized it was not (IMO) of the same quality as their pistols. Rather chintzy built.. with a bolt handle so thin that it
cuts into the finger when I pull the bolt back.. ..But I can either mold another handle cover or wrap it, if I expect to use it much.
Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, it is redone and looking good. However, it always was a strangely attractive rifle, with it's unique forestock
that overlays the action.
Sadly, Mark has closed his shop, since all the harrassment from the rules and regulations emanating from the Biden administration..
The model 31;