If I am freezing them for only a short period of time, maybe a few weeks at most until selling, how you roll them isn't so critical but preferred is to roll them fur side "out" with any edges of skin tucked inside to prevent freezer burning, especially if you are using a frost-free freezer model. I use plastic grocery bags of various sizes and have never had a problem with them at the buyer, but I always thawed them out prior to selling and didn't take them in the bags to sell either.
The bags helped me keep things sorted out, too. A coon or two could fit into a larger bag, and maybe one beaver hide by itself. Same with coyote. A couple of fox fit, as did a couple of cats, too.
You can roll up mink and muskrat very small little bundles and keep dozens of them in their own bags. The little hides like mink and muskrat thawed out much faster than a big greasy coon or beaver did, so often I simply held back the rats and mink bags for a day or so after I took the others out to thaw...so that ultimately everything was thawed out at same rate with no excess thawing time of the smaller hides.