How does the gun group up close, say 25yds, then 50yds?
I can tell you that my 12ga is very accurate with both Lightfields and Partion Golds. Can't put a good group down with Remingtons. Try some different brands. Most of these guns have been reported to be very accurate.
As to the trigger pull, you can send it in to NEF for a free factory trigger job if it pulls heavy. I believe the threshold is more than 5lbs as measured at the factory. There is also a link somewhere on this board on how to do the trigger job yourself. I don't have it handy but I believe the title is "another fine mess" or something of that nature. You can probably find it under the NEF Rifle Board. Probably too late to send it in for this year, but the home job is pretty straight forward.
I am also assuming everything is ok with your scope setup? Scope, screws tight, etc.
These guns are also very finicky about how they are shot from the bench. If you're using sand bags, put them under the reciever or close to the recevier, not under the forearm. There is also a trick to float the barrel by placing an o-ring or thick rubber gasket between the forearm and the stock bolt lug. The screw must then be tightened the exact same number of turns each time.
Finally, is the barrel good and clean? Sabots are very finicky about a clean barrel. When I'm shooting for groups, I usually swab the bore after every shot with a bore snake to remove the fouling. Otherwise, groups fall apart quick.
Do a search under "accurizing" on the Rifle Board for more details.