You just hit upon a somewhat sensitive subject - Wood or synthetic. Some people swear by wood, while others swear by synthetics.
Bottom line is that both have pros and cons.
Pros - strong, somewhat heavier (if you consider this a pro), solid platform, less resistant to vibrations.
Cons - subject to warping which changes in weather - temperature and rain/snow etc. Such warping can affect accuracy. Suject to getting scratched and dinged.
Pros - not subject to changes in weather, lightweight (if you consider this a pro). You can brush it up against a cactus and nothing will happen to it.
Cons - hollow inside, cheap, flimsy. Vibrates like heck.
If it's a choice between LAMINATED wood and a plastic stock, then I would pick a laminated stock. I like heavier rifles because I seen to shoot them better. Also, laminated wood stocks are not subject to the same amount of warpage as regular wood stocks.
If it's a choice between Laminated and TRUE SYNTHETIC STOCKS (like HS Precision and McMcillan), then I would get the HS and Precision every time. They are not cheap or flimsy, and have no vibration. These are simply the BEST true synthetic stocks.
Your choices, however, seem to be wood or plastic. What I normally do is get the rifle and then buy either an HS or McMillan stock. This costs an extra $250 to $350, though.
ONE OTHER THING - I would buy that rifle and scope combo. Those scopes are VERY cheap. I would just buy the rifle and spend more money on a better scope.