Author Topic: Newbie 44mag reloading question w/XTP 200grain?  (Read 831 times)

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Offline upnorthbacon

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Newbie 44mag reloading question w/XTP 200grain?
« on: October 05, 2004, 02:53:15 PM »
I'm starting reloading and I didn't want to spend a whole lot.  I purchased a Lee Loader single press and a set of dies for a 44mag.  The kit comes with a small scooper which states 1.6 cc's on it.  I bought 200 grain jacketed xtp bullets and H110 powder.  I looked through my load guide provided with my dies and there's no listing for this powder with xtp's?  It showes 1.6cc's (One scoop) of H110 for a 200 grain jacketed bullet or 210 grain jacketed bullet.  But it shows a seperate listing for the 200 grain xtp different from the universal 200 grain jacketed?  Am I confusing anyone yet.  My question is why doesn't the xtp bullet use the same amount of powder, is it designed differently?  And can I use the normal load for another 200 grain jacketed bullet with xtp's or not?  I'm sorry I don't know how to calculate the 1.6cc's to grains cause I know that would help.  I'm trying to stay simple and I don't want to buy a seperate powder measurer yet.
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Offline upnorthbacon

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Newbie 44mag reloading question w/XTP 200gr
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2004, 03:43:08 PM »
I just found a capacity converter on Lee's website showing how many grains the scooper is.  It shows that it should be 22.1 grains for H110.  So does a 200 grain XTP with 22.1 grains of H110 sound alright?
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Newbie 44mag reloading question w/XTP 200gr
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2004, 04:35:05 PM »
That would be OK for that load, a little on the light side. If you want good consistent reloads you really should invest in a decent powder dispenser. Stay away from the LEE powder measures and get a good one from RCBS, LYMAN, HORNADY, or any good quality brand. It really will be worth the investment.  KN

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Newbie 44mag reloading question w/XTP 200gr
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2004, 05:09:32 PM »
Oops, I wrote it down wrong.  Actually it would be 24.4 grains of H110 with a 200 grain XTP.
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Offline redawg

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Newbie 44mag reloading question w/XTP 200gr
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2004, 05:28:07 PM »
Hello!  My Hornady manual lists a starting charge of 25.8 gr and a max charge of 28.7 gr of H110 with a 200 gr XTP.  I'd also recommend getting a good powder dispenser and scale.  Makes reloading alot easier.  Good luck.

Offline upnorthbacon

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Newbie 44mag reloading question w/XTP 200gr
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2004, 02:36:34 AM »
Thanks for the reply I guess I'm just going to have to fork over the money for a powder measurer!
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Offline C A Plater

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Newbie 44mag reloading question w/XTP 200gr
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2004, 03:10:17 AM »
Quote from: upnorthbacon
Thanks for the reply I guess I'm just going to have to fork over the money for a powder measurer!

A small note on the Lee measures, I find with fine ball powders like H110, mine leaks powder rather heavily.  Works fine with flake and more granular types.  It's my favorite with stick types.

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« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2004, 05:11:46 AM »
We spend lots of money on our guns and all our hunting gear. In order to get the full enjoyment out of our eqpt. My advice would be to get you a good powder measure or scale so you know what your load really is. there
is much satisfaction in making good loads. I have two RCBS powder throwers and one lyman plus a RCBS scale plus a lyman elect. scale.
I'm sure you will be better served if you use something thats a little more accurate. Best wishes and good luck.......Joe..........

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Newbie 44mag reloading question w/XTP 200gr
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2004, 12:28:19 PM »
are you in the UP if so where at im in Munising.
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Offline upnorthbacon

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Newbie 44mag reloading question w/XTP 200gr
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2004, 02:02:36 PM »
Well I must say my first experiance with my gun has been great!  Got her sighted in and was shooting great off hand (resting my wrists on a rest) out to 50 yards!  I then used my poorboy lee reloading equip and shot my first reloads!  Everything worked great in fact I was getting better groups!  I did break down and buy a powder scale today and tonight I'll load up some hotter loads for dear hunting this year.  Thanks for everyone's help I'll post a pic of my targets later.  The only complaint I have is the trigger pull seems to have some creep and is a little stiff.  Nothing too bad, I'm probably just too spoiled with my savage accutrigger on my rifle.  I am completely confident I can make a good lung hit on a deer at 50yds and I can't wait to see the end results.
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Newbie 44mag reloading question w/XTP 200gr
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2004, 11:57:05 AM »
You should really buy a powder scales. The denisity of powder vaires from lot to lot and your scoop may through a different charge with ever different lot of powder. I would also recomand that you not buy any more Lee stuff. I`ve been loading since the 1960`s and have never been happy with anything that Lee made. There is a very good reason that Lee is the cheapest stuff on the market.

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Newbie 44mag reloading question w/XTP 200gr
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2004, 03:57:50 AM »
Well, I have to jump in here and defend Lee products..  I have to say that I have 4 lee disk powder measures and love them.  I use many of their dies (especially like the factory crimp die) and used an old turret press for years until I purchsed a dillon.  I find that the disks cover enough of a range that they work well for pistol powders. (and you CAN buy an adjustable insert)  You do need to develop a consistant 'feel' with the lever to throw consistant charges, but you must do that with any measure.  I found back when I used the scoops, that they could be very consistent, but you must also use a consistant method for them also.  I would fill a bigger scoop, pour it into the measuring scoop while holding it over a cup to catch the spillage, (same way each time) then I brush the excess off the scoop.  I doesn't take long to learn to throw very consistant charges.  I use three Lee disk measures on my dillon so I don't have to keep adjusting when I change powders, just slip the appropriate disk in place.  You must, however, weigh a few charges with each disk hole and I have done that and made my own chart for the powders I use most.  I find that the supplied chart reads a little heavier than the disk actually throws by about 5%.  If the chart says that hole throws 9.0 gr of Unique, it will probably actually throw 8.6 gr. so check it out.  And if I use that same disk on my dillon, I will get 8.3 gr because I am not snapping the lever by hand.  I have been well satisfied with their products.  The only other thing I would say is if you ever decide to go progressive, buy a dillon, period!  44 Man
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