Correct in that is not a superior glue. And it requires clamping for a strong joint.
It's real use is filling gaps, and edge joining, where some gaps would be present using wood glue. result of imprefect mating srufaces.
It has the advantage of being sandable at least more so than Wood glues and Epxoies. it can be stained, at least more so than wood glues.
Epoxies can be precolored.
It is not as strong as wood glue. standard yellow wood glue makes a joint stronger than the wood, at least most of the time :-)
It will set up in the bottle after a while, and become useless.
Epoxy's problem is lack of penetration of the grain/pores, ie you really need to use 2-hour types.
I have built a lot of furniture, and have used all types of glues, and the gorilla glue was only used once, and never desired to use it again.