Author Topic: 06 deer season in Missouri Ozarks  (Read 1108 times)

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Offline Ranger J

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06 deer season in Missouri Ozarks
« on: October 03, 2006, 09:16:55 AM »
Does no one hunt deer in the Eastern U. S.?  I would think this thread would get more action.  I am setting here listening to a rain of acorns hitting the roof of my office.  It looks like we will have another good mast year, which is good for the deer but not great for we hunters.  Last year we had a record acorn crop here in the Missouri Ozarks.  You could hardly stand up when going down hills for them.  The deer did not have to move much last year in order to fill their stomachs.  This resulted in a less than average kill in this part of the state.  This means more does made it through the winter and they were in better shape and had more and healthier young.  I have seen a lot of deer this year.  Within 100 yards of my desk I have seen a doe with 1 fawn, 2 with twins and one old girl with triplets.  I have also seen a small 6 pointer.  Out near my deer stands I have seen evidence of a much larger deer.  :) All in all in the area where I hunt, putting venison in the freezer should not be too hard.  The boys up on the ridges might have a hard time of it again this year because of all the acorns. :'( :D

Offline dukkillr

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Re: 06 deer season in Missouri Ozarks
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2006, 12:01:56 PM »
My only regret from the 2005 season was a nice buck I failed to close the deal on in Greene County Missouri.  I usually open the MO rifle season on a family farm south of Springfield.  There are always a great deal of deer, and most years I get a chance at an 8+ point buck.  The buck I screwed up on last year was a basic 10, symetric and reasonably tall.  Unfortunately I had a dinner party that night which caused me to force the issue with him.  Last I saw he was headed West and I never took a shot. 
I intend to head that way again in a few weeks.  Hopefully with a couple of Kansas deer in the freezer by then.