Hi All,
Really enjoyed all the great stories.
A little about me: I'm an avid outdoorsman, lifelong hunter and fishermen.
I have hunted most regions of British Columbia and fished (both sport and commercial) all of coastal British Columbia and Alaska.
An incident in the early 1960s that got me interested in the subject of Sasquatch went something like this: A logging company owner by the name of Joe Manuck had a smaller show at a place on Pitt Lake called Frenchman's Bay (now known as Christian Cove on the maps). He went up the mountain about one mile or so to get at some big timber in a very steep and rugged canyon. In the process of setting up a temporary camp for his crew and cook, Manuck towed a wood frame and plywood cook/bunk house on 3-ft-round skid logs up the valley with a D-8 Cat. After Manuck logged the show and got most of the good wood out, he left the old cook/bunk house up there for family and friends to use as a hunting cabin. One weekend during the fall of about 1962, my friends Fred Gerak, Ron Gerak and Vince Manuck Jr. headed up to the area for some black tail hunting.
They reached the place late on a Friday afternoon and proceeded to give the old cabin a quick sweep to get rid of the mouse droppings, chop enough firewood to last a couple of days, cook some dinner and then hit the sack early for some much needed rest. Sometime during the middle of the night they were all rudely awakened by a massive crash of something hitting the outside of the cabin hard enough to dislodge the stove pipes and fill the entire cabin with black soot and choking smoke. At first light in the morning they inspected the cabin fully expecting to find a giant boulder, claw marks from a big bear or some other such sign on the outside walls but found nothing. I went up the following weekend on a hunting trip and had a good look around the cabin for myself. I found no broken branches on any of the small alders that had sprung up beside the cabin or anything else to indicate something with a rational explanation responsible for crashing into the cabin. Over the years I often pondered the thought of what could have possibly hit the cabin's walls "so high up" above the skid logs (on the bunk side where everyone was sleeping and probably snoring a bit) with the force required to knock the stove and its pipes completely out of commission. Not a one of us could figure this out until a later date when the stories of Sasquatch began to quietly circulate amongst the area's loggers.
In the late 1960s, myself and a few other friends, commercial fishermen and old hand loggers went to visit Oscar Greenland (now deceased), a long-time hand logger and permanent resident of Pitt Lake. Oscar seemed to enjoy our visits as we always brought a bottle of his favorite gin and some type of a treat for his faithful old dog. Sometime during the hours long BS session, the subject of Sasquatch was injected into the noisy conversation.
Oscar told us about a time some years back when he was heading up the lake towards home at first light on a beautiful summer morning. He went on to explain that the lake was a flat as glass and there wasn't a breath of wind. As they were heading from point to point he happened to glance towards the shoreline and noticed a rhythmic splashing about 300 yards away.
Out of curiosity he decided to head his old Easthope powered ex-gill-netter towards the beach in case someone was in trouble. As he got closer he noticed a downed alder or cottonwood tree laying in the water with what appeared to be a huge, dark colored man-ape jumping up and down on it - looking for all the world like it was simply playing and totally amused by the splashes it was making in the water. Oscar went on to explain that once the ape-like creature spotted him getting closer, it went up the tree faster than any man could have possibly gone and quickly disappeared into the bush.
Old Oscar then asked us all if we thought there were any grizzly bears in the Pitt Lake country. While none of us had ever seen or heard of a grizzly bear down low in his general neck of the woods, we asked him why he enquired. Oscar said that one day he was up behind his cabin cutting shake blocks when his dog suddenly began to growl, bark and generally go crazy.
Oscar said he stared in the direction the dog's gaze was fixed upon and saw what he thought was about an 8-foot tall grizzly standing on its hind legs partially hidden behind some alders. Oscar went on to say that he'd heard plenty of bears grunt and cougars scream in his days in the bush, but had never heard such a tremendously loud roar come out of any animal he knew of.
Then in the late 1960s, two friends that had been hired by Joe Manuck to clean some of the bigger rocks off a logging road (done to prevent the cat skinner's kidneys from taking a terrible pounding) reported to me that they had been followed by something big and black that stayed well hidden just out of sight but not earshot. (Note: This particular logging road is roughly two miles from Frenchman's Bay and three miles from what used to be Oscar Greenland's homestead.) Equipped with large steel bars to pry the rocks loose, they would then roll the boulders to the edge of the road and into the bush. While taking breaks from their job, they would constantly hear something breaking branches not too far in the bush. When they moved, it moved. The more intent they became in listening (probably because they were scared by now) the more they could hear footfalls. Once purposely peeking into the bush, one of them caught a glimpse of what he thought was an awfully tall black bear. Although nothing else eventful happened, they did mention that whatever was out there in the bush making noise followed them up to the top of the mountain and halfway back down again before becoming disinterested with their rock rolling.
About 1973 or 1974, I was down by the Fraser River talking with some of my old hand-logger commercial fishermen friends and the subject of Sasquatch happen to come up in the conversation. That was the first time I had ever heard that at times these beasts might make some form of nest or bed.
Old Bob was a local shake splitter who had just returned that same day from a deer-hunting trip up in the Hedley country. He somewhat shyly explained to the group that he found a large animal bed located on a perfect vantage point with six-inches of fresh evergreen tree boughs laid carefully in the bottom. He went on to explain he had also found quite a few piles of huge human-type droppings that no man or animal he knew of could make. Apparently these droppings were located about 75-feet from the bed and concentrated in one general area. Old Bob also went on to seriously explain that the bed he'd found had plenty of darker colored hair in the bottom of it and stunk like hell.
Now if I remember right, about six people burst out laughing. At that old Bob became extremely angry and remarked he would take any one of us assholes (excuse the language) back up to Hedley at that very minute and show us the bloody Sasquatch bed he'd found. Seeing that old Bob was seriously mad, the entire group said they were sorry and jokingly believed him. Sadly, nobody took Bob up on his offer. I wish to this day that I would have.
During the fall of 1975 a friend of mine John Sheriff decided to do some deer hunting up in the Chehalis River country. Although John didn't see any deer that day, he said he spotted something very strange. Some years later he asked me how far and well I thought a black bear could walk on its hind legs.
I told him that they look pretty clumsy up there on their hind feet and take short, jerky strides with their paws held in front of them somewhat curled in and pointing down.
While summing up my answer, John looked puzzled and said while he sat and watched a likely looking area for deer, he now believed what he saw was a dark-brown Sasquatch quietly and smoothly slinking from tree to tree, as if it was using them for cover.
In 1995, I had a report from a good friend Dan Gerak owner of the Pitt River Lodge about a fresh set of 17" Sasquatch tracks he found while hiking along a very remote creek in the upper Pitt River country.
Dan said that he and a couple of friends had hiked up a small creek a few miles in search of some good rainbow trout fishing. In a very remote and rugged area they came across four or five 17" Sasquatch tracks impressed into a dampened natural earth slide along the creek.
Dan explained the tracks were farther apart then he could fully stretch his legs and so clear that he could see dermal imprints in the bottoms. Interestingly, Dan also said that while flying in helicopters over the years, he noticed that the valley he found those Sasquatch tracks in, - is the only one that links up cleanly with the Harrison Lake country and has no boxed canyons or obstructions. A possible Sasquatch migration route?
There have been a few reports from loggers and others over the years of Sasquatch sightings concentrated in this general area. Glen Bohn wrote a piece in The Vancouver Sun a few years back of a Sasquatch sighting by a local logger that worked out of the main camp at Alvin, BC. Also a documentary-type film titled Alden's Outdoors that went into detail on Sasquatch and some form of giant salamander-type creature sightings in this area. Interestingly, Dan Gerak also has two recent sighting reports (from either guests of his lodge or people he knows) of these black salamander-type reptiles seen crossing the road.
During the autumn of 1995 I had the opportunity to make a deer hunting trip (with my brother, a friend from work and his older brother) into the Yalakam River country, not too far from Lillooet. Looking at the map now, I believe we hunted off a logging road that ended at the headwaters of Leon Creek, in the Camelsfoot Mountain Range. Although we didn't get any deer that particular trip, I did bring home a multiple Sasquatch sighting report.
On the evening of our first day hunting we went in towards the end of this logging road (called Upper Swamp Road on wooden markers along the way) and stopped in a logged off draw about ¾ of a mile from the end of the road. When we got out of the truck in this valley, my friend Sil mentioned that his uncle had been coming up this same road the previous fall and spotted what he thought was a black bear digging roots about 60 feet from the far treeline. Looking at the spot he was pointing towards, I would say it was no more than 100 yards or so into the clearing from our vantage point. Seems his uncle stopped and readied his rifle to take the bear when it presented a clear shot. Quite soon the somewhat surprised animal suddenly realized it was being watched and quickly stood up.
Sil went on to explain that his uncle literally got the shock of his life when a huge Sasquatch now loomed in front of him and with four or five giant steps hit the treeline and disappeared from sight into the timber. Apparently Sil's uncle was so shaken by what he had just seen that upon his return home he vowed to close family and friends that he'd never to go into this country again for as long as he lived.
Sil also told of meeting two very old hunters at this same location the previous fall that mentioned in a tailgate conversation of seeing a Sasquatch at this very spot the year before. In fact, they said they had made this trip into the area with the hopes of seeing the creature again.
It might be interesting to note that when I went over to the general area where the Sasquatch was sighted I got a strange, uneasy feeling. The bush was so bloody thick and dark you couldn't see 30-feet into it. I also remarked to Sil that this area gave me the creeps and it seemed it was a dead zone. Besides the breeze blowing through the tree tops, there wasn't a sign or a sound of another living creature to be seen or heard.
In mid-October 1996 I made a hunting trip for mule deer bucks into the Pasayten Valley located west of the town of Princeton off of the Hope-Princeton Highway, and then east of the border of Manning Park some 10 to 12 miles in the bush close to the border of the state of Washington. I towed a 16-foot trailer into the area with my truck and decided to make camp at a favorite spot of mine in a clearing along Peeve Creek.
Being tired from three-hour drive and a weeks work, I made a quick dinner, washed it down with some cool mountain water from the creek and hit the sack for some much needed rest.
About midnight I awoke, got out of the sack and quickly stepped outside into the cold to answer the call of nature. Upon opening the trailer door, I was surprised to see snow quietly falling with a light skiff already accumulated on the ground. After attending to the business at hand, I happily climbed back into my warm bed with the hopes that the snow would be around to offer decent tracking conditions come morning.
A crisp, clear dawn found me slowly hiking in towards Trapper Lake high in the hills above and east of Peevee Creek. I hadnt gone too far when I cut across a fresh trail of huge, five-toed, barefoot, man-like tracks made in the inch or so of freshly fallen snow. Upon careful examination the man-like tracks did not appear to have any type of claw or nail marks ahead of the toes like that of a grizzly or black bear would. These man-like tracks were an estimated 16 to 17 inches long by 7 to 8 inches wide and spaced about four to five feet apart much further than I could possibly step even stretching my stride.
I followed the straight line of big man-like tracks for several hundred yards until they entered a thicket of young evergreens and blow-downs. These barefoot tracks seemed strange in that they did not wander about like the tracks of most wild animals would and showed little or no offset from an imaginary line through their center.
After looking into the thicket and envisioning all sorts of strange scenarios, I decided I didnt want to meet the maker of those tracks and rapidly hightailed out of that country for the season. I did, however, return to the same area the following September with a friend and we managed to harvest two beautiful mule deer bucks. We found no further tracks or Sasquatch sign.
During the fall of 1998 I knew a party hunting the Jedney area off the Alaska Highway that had a half a moose ripped down off a meat rack that was a measured 14-feet from the ground. Upon a very close check, these experienced hunters didn't see any grizzly or black bear sign around the area. Nor could they find anything else to indicate they knew who or what stole their moose. I checked out the meat rack myself (I was camped only about ½ mile away and our lower hanging moose meat wasn't touched) and came to the conclusion that unless someone came 40-miles into the bush equipped with a big ladder, there was no way in hell they could have got the moose down besides, the rope that held the meat up on the rack was snapped from a heavy strain by something very powerful pulling downwards and not cut by someone with a knife.
The summer of 2000 found a group of teenage boys preparing to have a campout on the rear of a private 20-acre piece of property located just west of Deroche, B.C. The boys had set up their tents far away from the family home close to the edge of the bush, which still remains quite wild and rugged at the base of the Coast Range Mountains.
It was just shortly before dark, and all the boys were gathered around a central campfire when something screamed at them with a huge volume from inside the edge of the forest. Whatever screamed at them could also be clearly heard pacing back and forth and breaking heavy branches inside the treeline.
In a later conversation, one of the boys described the warning-type scream as monkey-like with a volume that would be impossible for any human voice to duplicate without the assistance of an amplifier.
On June 30, 2003 I received another report of a possible Sasquatch encounter from the same above-mentioned property outside of Deroche, BC. According to the three scared witnesses (two females and one male) who had wandered into a somewhat swampy and remote area of the property hardly ever visited by the residents, threatening high-pitched screams, the snapping sounds of heavy branches and strange, non-human mumbling or murmuring voices and other unintelligible sounds were heard after they stumbled upon a crudely built bed made out of old cedar boughs. The witnesses also claimed to have smelled a very strong odor described as being a mixture of sulphur, rotten meat or eggs and human excrement.
On Tuesday, July 29th I had another report of possible on-going Sasquatch activity from the above-mentioned property owners outside Deroche, BC. Shortly before dark the residents reported hearing extremely heavy footfalls outside that shook the entire house, scaring the females at home at the time quite badly. Shortly after this happened, two very loud high-pitched screams were heard coming from just inside the edge of the bush on their property. The sounds of the scream reportedly set off howling from some of the dogs on farms in the area. Shortly after dark the residents were driving towards town on a road in front of their property when a very large rock suddenly flew from heavy bush at the roadside and narrowly missed their vehicle.
Well, believe them or not, that's about all my Sasquatch tales for now.