Author Topic: Democrats underestimated gun owner vote  (Read 520 times)

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Offline Dali Llama

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Democrats underestimated gun owner vote
« on: November 05, 2004, 04:35:56 PM »
Once again, Democrats underestimated gun owner vote
November 4, 2004

By Alan Gottlieb and Joe Waldron
Democrats didn’t get it and the media still doesn’t. A record turnout of gun owners has once again helped shape the political landscape, this time around not only retaining control of the White House, but also reinforcing the strength of the Republican majority in both houses of Congress.

Firearms owners, including millions of hunters, were far quicker to see through the façade John Kerry and his strategists tried to build, attempting to portray the Massachusetts liberal as pro-gun and pro-hunting when his 20-year voting record belied that image. When a politician has a track record of supporting every kind of restrictive gun control scheme that lands on his desk it is impossible to reinvent that person as a hunter and shooter. It’s not just that “that dog don’t hunt,” it’s more like the dog has no legs and is blind to boot.

Whatever Sen. Kerry was thinking when he showed up at a canned pheasant hunt in Iowa, a shooting range in Wisconsin and more recently on a photo-op goose shoot in Ohio, if he actually believed these publicity stunts would gain him acceptance from a voting block he has consistently acted against, it would indicate he was not capable of being president of the United States. Nobody that stupid should be in the Oval Office.

Democrats are now faced, once again, with the task of reassessment. On this last go-round, they believed that portraying themselves as pro-gun and pro-hunting would apparently make it so “to the dumb bumpkins.” The plain truth is that Democrats, as a party, and as individuals, do not understand that one does not earn points in the gun and hunting community by claiming to be something. One has to honestly live those beliefs.

Adopting a strategy of telling people you “support the Second Amendment” really says nothing. At this year’s Gun Rights Policy Conference – a late September gathering of gun rights leaders held in Arlington, Virginia – it was more than skepticism that led many of those present to observe that merely “supporting” the Second Amendment could mean anything, and most likely translates to accepting the ridiculous notion that the amendment applies to a mythical “collective right” of states to form militias.

Tens of millions of American gun owners know that to be hogwash. The right to keep and bear arms is an individual right. Until Democrats step up to the plate and say so, demonstrating in the process that they mean it, that important block of voting gun owners will continue to take its votes elsewhere.

Likewise, Democrats need to publicly acknowledge that – despite the claims of organizations that pander gun control as gun “safety” – gun control laws have not worked. The time has come to repeal some of these onerous laws, and stop treating gun owners like criminals.

Law-abiding American citizens should be able to own any kind of firearm they want, and Democrats need to accept this. People should be punished for misusing guns, not penalized for exercising a constitutional right. So long as Democrats think otherwise, they will never again be embraced as a party by gun owners.

Curiously, the media continues to largely ignore the gun vote phenomenon. Obviously, the press does not understand that gun owners may disagree among themselves on various social and political issues and levels. That happens in any “family.” But like a family, gun owners come together forcefully when they see their fundamental right to own firearms threatened, and John Kerry – with his anti-gun voting record – embodied that threat.

Gun owners and especially hunters are typically a solitary lot. They prefer to be left alone. But like the proverbial sleeping giant, there can be nasty consequences when the firearms fraternity is awakened. It acts with deliberation and decisiveness. Democrats first learned this in 1994, and they’ve been reminded about it every two years since.

One would think that by now the party would have gotten the message.

Alan Gottlieb is founder of the Second Amendment Foundation ( Joe Waldron is executive director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (
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Offline Daveinthebush

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Not only
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2004, 04:57:27 PM »
Not only the gun owners but other groups.

As a Vietnam Veteran, there is no way I would vote for him. I'd as soon vote for him as I would Jane Fonda.
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Offline Siskiyou

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Democrats underestimated gun owner vote
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2004, 04:57:38 PM »
There is no doubt that Carpet Bagger Sen. Boxer does not get it, nor does she really represent the State.  She represents a thin line West of Hwy 101.  She won big time because California gun owners blow a lot of smoke and fail to vote.  I have some hunting friends who are always complaining, say they are going to vote, but are always to busy to vote.  Dah!

Because of the nature of my career when a call can destroy a day, a week, or a month I became an absentee voter years ago.  It's easy, no lines, and you can start voting a couple of weeks early.

After her re-election Boxer said they would have to work harder for gun control.  Boxer was a regular visitor to the Clinton White House.  There is some tie there because of a marriage and hatred of gunowners.  There is no doubt Boxer "hates" gunowners.
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Offline jh45gun

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Democrats underestimated gun owner vote
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2004, 05:04:00 PM »
Repeated from "A good night for the Second Amendment post" But it fits here also.

We still have to keep a vigil and keep fighting for our rights and not relax. After seeing what the gun issue did to Gore and Kerry I bet a lot of the Dems will go underground on the issue but still pull strings behind the scenes. It is easier to fight a enemy you can see than one you cannot! Jim
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Offline Nightrain52

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Democrats underestimated gun owner vote
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2004, 04:05:57 PM »
We must also activate the silent gun owners out there. The gentleman shotgunners, trap, skeet, sporting clays, and what have you. Collectors and people who own the high-end guns must also get out and support the 2nd ammendment. People involved in all the different pistol matches or any form of competition shooting. We all need to stand together because there are still a lot of gun owners out there don't get out and vote. They seem to be indifferent to gun owners rights. Those days of sitting on the sidelines and riding along on every one elses coat tails are long gone. We must never let our guard down. :eek:  :D