I started the day out pretty well on Sat. I started running the line with my son . First two traps checked held decent coon . Next stop held a small coon ( this is where the day started going south ) that I was going to release . As I got closer , the coon never moved . I saw it was dead and had an arrow through it . Guy musta thought he was doing me a favor .Oh well , I took ythe coon and remade the set . A bunch of stuff fell out of my shirt pocket into the water , I gathered it all up and headed back to the truck . The next stop was the gas station . I pumped my gas , went in to pay and found I had lost my checkbook . I grabbed for my cell phone to call my girlfriend and that was gone too . So I went back to the river and sure nuff , were I'd parked was the checkbook . Walked all the way back down the river to where I lost the stuff from my pocket . No phone . I wrote it off as lost . Anyhow , I went back to the gas station and paid for my gas . I didnt bother checking the rest of my water line as everything was on drowners and it was dark anyways so I decided to take my dad coonhunting . On my way to dads , I stopped by the first coon sets I had checked and found my phone there , next to a dirthole . We left about 9:30 and hunted till about 10:30 when the dog hit a track . She never barked , I told dad she wasn't on a coon trail so I called her off . She didn't come back . We listened and finally heard her let out a strange bark . I told my dad that wasn't good , she never barked like that before so I knew it wasn't right . A few minutes later my phone rang and the fella asked if I had a dog named liberty , I told him I did and he said she was at his house . Told him I'd be right over and he informed me she had a face full of quills . We got to his house and spent about 1 1/2 hours pulling quills . This was her first experience with that and hopefully the last .
Today wnt alot better , I ibn the shed skinning , beats pulling quills .