Author Topic: Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Problem  (Read 996 times)

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Offline ppcrusa

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Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Problem
« on: December 30, 2004, 02:55:03 PM »
Well, got my Bisley 22LR out today for some shooting. I will start by saying that I was not expecting it to shoot the wings of a fly or anything like that. In other words, I didn't have a huge expectation for it. I did expect it to shoot and it did.  
My big problem though is the fact that point of impact is off to the left vs. point of aim. I adjusted the sights as far to the right as possible in the rear. I can't adjust the rear anymore. Doing so would cause the screw to come out. The blade is also at the edge of the holder to the right. My impact is left of aim by about 2.5-3"  Shooting distance was 10yds for the first 12 rds. Stepping back to 15yds results in the bullets going to the left about the same distance.  
At 25yds shooting at spinner targets the only way I can hit is to hold the sights off to the right side of the target. This results in about a 60% hit ratio.  
I'm sorry.. I expect a gun to shoot where I aim it. A little bit to the left(maybe 1/2" or so) I could stand. But 2-3" off is too much. What can I do about this? I like this little gun. I want it to shoot where I aim it though. What recommendations do you have? Please sound off, as I am a little irritated with the sights.  
Another minor thing is lead. I shot the following today: Federal Bulk Pack HP, PMC Zapper, PMC Sidewinder, and RWS Target.  Of all rounds the best groups were with the PMC Zapper. I shot 50 rds of the Zapper, and about 12 each of the others.  That was all I shot. When I got home to clean the revolver, I noticed a large amount of lead under the top strap of the frame right at the barrel throat. The last six rounds I fired were also really hard to get into the cylinder. Is it normal for the Bisley/Single Six 22's to throw this much lead on the top strap after a mere 50 rounds? I don't remember seeing this kind of gunk from 50rds. with another 22 revolver. If its normal I can live with this mess. What I can't stand is the point of impact being off so far from point of aim.  
The accuracy potential of this little gun is there. The groups were outstanding in terms of tightness. The guy that I was shooting with remarked on how tight the groups were. He shot the Bisley too, and it fired left of aim for him too. We had other guns with us and we did not shoot to the left with those today, so that ruled out a bad shooting day.  
I appreciate anyone that can help me with this. Please don't say send it back to Ruger unless there is not other option.
I will say this, I like this gun. I was thinking about getting some Williams Fire Sights for it. IS there a chance this might correct the point of aim vs. point of impact problem?
Thanks in advance

Offline Steve P

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Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Prob
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2004, 03:40:26 PM »
PMC Zappers and CCI pistol match or Greentag are the most accurate in two of my Rugers.  Rounds will get hard to push in after about 50 shots.  You should be able to keep all of your shots to point of aim and about 2" groups at most at 25 yards.  I don't know what kind of sight you have on the gun.  If it is a stock Ruger sight, send the gun back.  You can also pick up a Bomar or Bowen rear sight to put in there, but neither of them will be worth a hoot either if your barrel isn't bored down the center.

Good Luck,

Steve   :D
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Offline myronman3

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Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Prob
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2004, 05:08:31 PM »
call ruger.  send it to them to fix.   one good thing i can say about them is they dont give you any guff about being the original owner or not.  and they will fix it.   it will take about a month and a half to two months.  
  although there is room for improvement with them, overall they do an alright job with fixing your problems.

Online Lloyd Smale

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Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Prob
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2004, 11:26:16 PM »
I discovered those zappers last year. There the most accurate shells in a few of my .22s they have even out shot target ammo. As far as the gun goes the barrel needs to be turned. If you have a local gunsmith hed probably charge less then the shipping to return it to ruger to fix it.
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Offline ppcrusa

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Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Prob
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2004, 03:08:29 AM »
We have "very little" around here. I mean that in all truth. No gunsmith worth speaking of.  The gun shops we have around are equally as pitiful. We have one that is low-priced and reasonable. However that one is also the least amount of help when you have a problem.
I am the original owner of this, I just bought it.
I hesitate to send it back to Ruger because I made some "adjustments". Things like bending the trigger return springs slightly for less trigger pull.
Another thing that gripes me is how I would have to go to a "UPS Service Counter" to even ship this to Ruger. That my friends is no easy task around here. The nearest one is about 40 miles out and I don't have anymore time to take off from work for a LONG TIME.
I just don't understand why it seems I always get the screwed up guns. geesh.
But I do appreciate your answers, and I was afraid the solution was to send it back to Ruger. I just hope they don't replace the barrel. It groups really nice, just not exactly where I aim it.

Offline myronman3

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Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Prob
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2004, 03:43:58 AM »
Quote from: ppcrusa
I just don't understand why it seems I always get the screwed up guns. geesh.
But I do appreciate your answers, and I was afraid the solution was to send it back to Ruger. I just hope they don't replace the barrel. It groups really nice, just not exactly where I aim it.

well buddy, you aint the only one.  evidently you have not followed my tale of woe concerning three super blackhawks.

read these and see what you think.  very similar to your problem.  of course my three were 44's, and yours is a 22.   i am tired of the subject and didnt want to rain on  your parade.  but at this point i figure you should know.  now,  i aint saying it is the same thing, but it is very similar.

Offline Graybeard

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Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Prob
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2004, 03:53:34 AM »
A Ruuuugggggeeeer with a problem?  :eek:  WOW!  :roll:  How unusual.  :)

Sorry, been behaving myself too well lately. Just had to do it.  :roll:  But I have been telling you guys fer years.  :lol:

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline ppcrusa

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Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Prob
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2004, 04:46:48 AM »
I checked out myronman's posts. A while back when I had a broken side panel on my MKII I called Ruger, and the girl that he spoke of(the one that was not rude but sure not helpful) answered my call. She acted like it was a wonder they didn't charge me for sending some new panels. Told me I tightened them too much.. BULL!!! The dang screws were working their way out.  I finally was able to talk to a gunsmith and he fixed me up. Even sent me a new extractor spring because I had an occassional burp.
I will call them when they reopen. I dread it. The last time I sent a gun in for repair to a manufacturer I was terribly disappointed that they did not catch things they should have. This can be seen in my pictures of the gun and its condition on certain areas.
All the pictures in that are related to a Springfield Armory 1911. Springfield service sucked. IT put a bad bad taste in my mouth. Gone for over 6 weeks and all they did was put in a new front sight. Bull hockey! Dang gun was shooting way way up and left. The sear had a massive imperfection on it. The frame looked like someone had gouged it to death. They even rounded my frame off on the contact areas. Looked horrible. They could have did the right thing and replaced that raggedy gun, but they sent it back.. At that point, I promptly SOLD IT. I told the truth to the buyer too, gave him all the paperwork and he still bought it. Good for him. I have no patience for such things.
I can only hope that Ruger does me better that other have. I own a lot of Rugers here. I've had good ones, I've had bad ones. This one seems to be mostly good. The groups I seen were truly remarkable for a 22LR revolver. I COULD just pretend it isn't a big deal and holdover to the right some. But being the perfectionist I am, that won't work. I also have a GP-100 that is shooting like CRAP. At 50yds I get a 6-8" group from it. It has already been to Ruger for "repair". It came back with a horible looking muzzle. They claimed they crowned the barrel. Terrible job. Thinking about sending him back too. It is my oldest handgun.. Don't know what they would do to it this time.Maybe they would run a file across the muzzle this time and "crown" it again. haha. I dunno ya'll. The guns I have bought lately have been real pissers. I'm thinking seriously about just not buying anymore. This is getting stupid.

Offline ppcrusa

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Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Prob
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2004, 05:03:44 AM »
I just looked at this thing real good and the front sight IS canted to the LEFT looking down the muzzle end. Why didn't I pick that up before? MAN.
How can they fix something like that without replacing the barrel? I mean, you have the ejector housing and all to contend with.
I'm looking at the screw hole for the front sight now. It is slightly off center in relation to how the barrel is mounted now. If they turn the barrel then the ejector housing is not going to line up.
 Seems like to me you would have to replace the barrel. Then I run the risk of getting a barel that doesn't group as good as this one does. Screw this. Well.. Looks like a seller to me. Now to find someone to buy it I reckon.
I'm gonna lose my butt on this one.

Offline myronman3

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Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Prob
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2004, 07:00:30 AM »
i am truely sorry for what you are going through.   but i fully understand your frustration.   now there will be folks to tell you how great ruger is and how you need to be more understanding.   wait till they get run through the ringer.  

  i have learned the hard way that you have to pay more to get what you expect.  i thought rugers were a good deal, but as of late i have had it.  so i moved up to f.a..  expensive, yes.  but i can about bank on being done with problems.   and i aint swimming in money, either.  

now if freedom arms lets me down, i have decided i will give up handgunning; be done with it all.  try as i might, i just cant see a problem arising. and if one does, i will bet that they will square me up.   my next gun is going to be a f.a. 97 in either 44 special or 41 mag.   after i sell some of the 'other' guns laying around here.   but like i said, someone will surely tell you you need to be more understanding with them.  not me.  i just aint going to buy any more ruger anythings.  and i had planned on adding at least two in the next year; possibly three.   i will instead spend it on something else.   money talks, bullspit walks.  perhaps when ruger is loosing customers they will change some key problems.   or not.   either way i sleep good.  

good luck with your situation.

Offline Graybeard

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Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Prob
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2004, 07:59:13 AM »
Boy if only you guys had had someone to tell you about all these Ruger problems years ago.  :eek:  Oh wait. You did. DIDN'T YOU?????? :roll:

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline kirkwhitaker

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« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2004, 08:24:52 AM »
if the sight is canted...sending it to ruger or a good smith may be a good idea...but...leading..if it is leading a bunch....take a cleaning rod and check the cylinder alignment by running it down the barrel...check to see of it will catch on the cylinder in any place...if so the cylinder may be slightly out of alignment or time...that could also be caused by the barrel cante...who knows...i would have to see it to really get a look at it...ruger was good to me last time i sent them something..and all my rugers shoot true...
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Offline myronman3

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Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Prob
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2004, 08:53:31 AM »
Quote from: Graybeard
Boy if only you guys had had someone to tell you about all these Ruger problems years ago.  :eek:  Oh wait. You did. DIDN'T YOU?????? :roll:

never one to say "told ya so" are ya?   :)    fact is you did.  sometimes us hardheaded types need to learn the old fashioned way.   i just hope all these guys so loyal to ruger dont get to experience what others have.   but if they do,  i will bet they will be changing their opinions really quick.

either quality is going to hell, or i am becoming a finnicky old turd.   given the way most business's are run now, i would like to believe i aint being unreasonable.

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Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Prob
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2004, 11:18:01 AM »
I must be one lucky son of a gun. I've owned and in some cases still do, Single Six's, a GP-100, a SP-101, several 10/22's, a 77 and a #1, Black Hawks, a Super BH, a P-89, a 22 Standard Automatic and even though some were ugly as hell, none of them failed me in performance. A 9" Single Six 22 once sprayed lead but that was the extent of my Ruger woes.
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Offline stepnmud

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Ruger Bisley 22LR First Time Out and A Prob
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2005, 02:34:31 PM »
I've had this Bisley Ruger .22 with adjustable sights and 6.5" barrel for several years, but not shot it much, approx. 300 rounds total and not happy with the groups at 10 yrds. Used Match Grade Federals, subsonic Remingtons, CCI.  Originally purchased this Ruger to go with my Bisley .45s since it had the full size frame and get some cheap practice with the .22. No problem with the sights or adjusting, just too big of groups about the size of my open hand at 10 yrds. with 50 round group.
 Use to shoot a Taurus .44 Mag with light reloads at ten yrds. and punch out a silver dollar size hole with twenty rounds, so makes me really disappointed with the .22., I might have to try some diff. ammo to get quarter size groups at ten yrds. Also did notice a fair amount of crud after shooting sessions and need a good cleaning. Good luck with yours.