Well, it was either time to get out of the city or go crazy. Lucky fer me, spring break had rolled around so I headed home and my girl friend and I hiked Peekamoose and Table mountains in the catskills for and overnight stay in a lean to. This was just what the doctor ordered to keep me sane. The trip was fun, but here are some things I learned...
Just because you don't need snowshoes on one side of the mountain, doesn't mean you don't need them on the otherside.
With I don't know how many feet of snow on the ground, travel through the groves of pine trees at the top of the mountains, means you're walking through the branches and crawling under them because the trail was only cleared to permit adequate height clearance when you're stepping on the ground.
When walking through pine trees covered in snow, you're going to come out wet.
"Sure the camp stove I'm letting you borrow has enough fuel for 3-4 days" is not something you should rely on. (It didn't last one full day)
Finally, Sleeping bags rated for 25 degrees can get a bit nippy during March at 3500 feet in New York.
Oh yeah, and one question...Anyone have any suggestions for inflating partially frozen thermarest mattresses without blowing air in them and getting moisture inside?
Overall, a valuable learning experience...One I hope to repeat next year.