I was at a friends house and heard a loud rifle shot, we went outside and his neighbor had a 8 mm and he was shooting 35 rem thru it. The empties came out straight walled. I saw what he was doing and told him how dangerous it was, he told me he didn't know what caliber it was and went to walmart and the clerk told him to try 35 remington. I told him if he liked breathing air that he better not shoot any more, he had shot about 12 rounds thru it earlier. It was some kind of military rifle, 8 mm is about .320 thousandths or give or take a couple thousandths and 35 rem is 358, that means it was squeezing it down 38 thousandths or so. I couldn't hardly believe it . I thought I would share this experience with you guys, you never know what you will see next.
A 13 yr old boy was killed saturday morning here in Arkansas after him and his friend had killed a deer, the report said a muzzle loader went off accidently and shot him in the face. So sad and it doesn't have to happen.