im new to the Contender game and have only shot my 223 barrel with open sights.scopes are in my future for both barrels.for deer hunting i sure would like a good FOV and i would prefer a variable scope for both.i checked out a Bushnell and a Swift variable scope.the field of view is very small on both evin on the lowest setting.i also checked out some fixed power scopes in 2X.i FOV is much better with these scope i would like to check out is the Bushnell Trophy 2x32 fixed power.the only thing about this scope is they are made with a silver finish only.this would be OK for a stainless gun but on a blued gun i would like a black scope.i dont understand that at all.
have you seen a black Bushnell Trophy in 2x32 in black?
one more scope i checked out was a fixed power 2x Simmons Pro was very clear and had a good FOV.any luck with one of these?