Author Topic: got a nice doe today  (Read 543 times)

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Offline rickyp

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got a nice doe today
« on: November 27, 2004, 04:04:28 PM »
I got a nice doe today she weighed in about 80-90 lbs. I got in my stand about 5:30 am and had 2 does come in about 6 am they heard me make a noise and ran off. very short time latter a 3 rd doe came in stomping her foot as she walked. she knew something was not quite right. it took a long time for me to be able to get my shotgun up with out spooking her. she stayed around 70 yards from me every time I was about to squeeze the trigger she would turn around. and spoil the shot then just walked off.
about 6:45 a norther doe started snorting at me. I snorted back this went on for about 10 times then she got the nerve to come with in 70 yards of me and give me a good side shot.
I took the shot and she ran off like I missed I heard her running then I heard a crash so I knew she was dead.
I got down but I could not find any signs of a hit. No blood, no fur, no nothing. I walked the path she ran and found her piled up about 200 yards from where she was shot. She picked the thicket part of the woods to die in. I had to drag her down a small hill trough this thick stuff until I got to the road. the good thing was it was only about 20 yards and all down hill. then it was just a short walk back to the truck and get the ATV. I had her field dressed and on the trailer then I was back in my stand with in 45 minutes.

Offline Redhawk1

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got a nice doe today
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2004, 05:20:57 PM »
I shot a big doe tonight in Maryland weighed 110 lb dressed out. I had 8 doe's and a 6 point buck about 60 yards from me, I passed on the 6 point. I did not want to shot him, I am already getting a 10 point mounted this year and want a bigger one. Now if my son was in my stand he would of taken it.  :-D. So I just help the farmer out an took another doe. About 15 minutes later I had another buck come out about 40 yards from me and walk to within 20 yards ad feed. It had 4 points on one side and 2 points on the other side. I watched him feed for about 1/2 hour and the some more does came out. I just sat there and took pictures. My son got buck fever this morning  :eek: and let a nice 10 point walk by him. We seen it again tonight, but no one was in shooting distance of him, he looks like he would score about 140. Big boy :D We are going back again in the morning, with all the rain and try to get him.  :grin:
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Offline rickyp

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got a nice doe today
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2004, 03:41:01 AM »
I have to take care of this doe I shot. I already skinned her and she is in my shad witting to be cut up.

I am going back out this afternoon and try for a buck, now I got my meat deer

Offline JPSaxMan

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got a nice doe today
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2004, 12:41:56 PM »
Cool man, cool. Just enough to hold ya over till ya get another one, right?  :roll:   :D

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Offline goose7856

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got a nice doe today
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2004, 04:30:23 PM »
WOW 110 DRESSED......I just killed my biggest doe ever and she weighed 135 lbs. guts and all, I dont know what she would have weighed after I skinned here, etc, but I know it would bbe less than 110!!!! Wow how much did she weigh b/f the skinning??!!
Good Hunting and Straight Shooting

Offline Redhawk1

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got a nice doe today
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2004, 04:48:39 PM »
Quote from: goose7856
WOW 110 DRESSED......I just killed my biggest doe ever and she weighed 135 lbs. guts and all, I dont know what she would have weighed after I skinned here, etc, but I know it would bbe less than 110!!!! Wow how much did she weigh b/f the skinning??!!

No idea on the before weight, but my buddy went to my stand today and got a bigger doe than I got the other day dressed out at 122lb. :eek:  We got some big doe's on the farm we hunt in Maryland. They are feeding on alfalfa and corn.
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Offline alsatian

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got a nice doe today
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2004, 03:26:31 AM »
I took a doe whose field dressed weight was 92 LBS opening morning in Oklahoma November 20.  I had placed my 14 year old son and 26 year old niece around a large pond on the hunting ground, figuring this was the most desirable hunting location.  I climbed over a hill behind the pond and took a position watching a trail that led along the very edge of the property, right next to a road.  About 8 AM I hear a shot from the pond and about 5 minutes later a cautious doe walks along the trail in front of me.  She looks directly at me so I avert my eyes and freeze.  When she drops her head to graze a bit, I try to lift my rifle slow, but she lifts her head again.  I avert my eyes and freeze.  We do this back and forth for awhile, maybe a minute, and she runs off.  I snap my rifle up, think I see her in the scope, but decide I better not shoot -- I really don't have confidence shooting at running deer with a scoped rifle.  The trail is only about 25 yards away from me, and it is right at the fence.  I'm beginning to feel low, fearing that my ambush spot is bad because all the deer will be close in and I won't get a chance to get my rifle up and get a shot on the deer.  Oh well, my son and niece may do well down at the pond.  About 9:15 AM another doe walks along the trail from the opposite direction and seems to be oblivious to any dangers.  I easily mount my rifle and even reposition my right leg and plant my right heel more firmly to support my right elbow to make a more steady shot.  The doe never sees me and I shoot her with my .243 at about 25 yards.  The shot was a bit further forward than I would have liked.  It went in front of her right leg, pretty low, and broke her left leg exiting.  She dropped 10 yards up the trail.  The shot damaged a lot of shoulder meat.  I'll be more attentive to shoot further back, behind the legs, behind the shoulder meat next time.  I was particularly trying to avoid shooting in the stomach, but just went too far forward I think.

Turns out the earlier shot was my niece missing a shot on one of two does that appeared at the pond.  Maybe the cautious deer I couldn't get my rifle up onto was one of these two.  My son, who had been suffering from a cold and cough of some sort, had fallen asleep at his position and was awakened, naturally, by my niece's rifle shot.  My niece was using a Winchester model 94 .30-30, and on inspection it turned out the rear sight adjustment ramp had fallen out, so there was no telling where that rifle was shooting!  Her shot was just 30 yards, so should have been easy even though she doesn't practice much.