Author Topic: Ouch.......  (Read 969 times)

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Offline rockbilly

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« on: November 21, 2004, 04:03:00 PM »
:grin: Last night I while dropping a deer off at the processor, I heard two guys talking about an incident that happened recently near Houston.

Seems a guy had been out hunting during archery season, he returns to his truck to find two individuals attempting to steal the vehicle.  The owner asked what they were doing and one of the guys turned on him.  He nocked up an arrow and shot him in the butt........a broad head in the tail at less than five feet.

That had to hurt more than being shot.  I've bow hunted and seen what a broad head does to a deer.  I can only imagine what it would do to a man.

Anyway, I'd bet when the guy heals up and gets out of jail he will give some serious thought to getting caught the next time stealing a vehicle crosses his mind.

Offline Patriot_1776

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« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2004, 11:03:24 AM »
Good thing (for the crooks that is) he didn't have a rifle or heavy caliber revolver in hand.  Even with those, the owner would not likely have hesitated to use it in the same place, at least. :grin:   Interesting story BTW and congratulations on your deer. :D   Patriot

Offline Lawdog

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« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2004, 11:39:52 AM »
The guy will be lucky if the two don't file a law suit.  It has happened before and the crooks won the suit.  Lawdog
Gary aka Lawdog is now deceased. He passed away on Jan. 12, 2006. RIP Lawdog. We miss you.

Offline jhm

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« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2004, 12:57:55 PM »
Lawdog is correct we have a fellow in the comunity who shot a fellow in the butt or upper leg for trying to leave with a pick-up he hadnt paid for , the fellow who did the shooting from what I understand owned the truck and the other fellow was in the process of buying it from him, hadnt paid it off when the question of ownership came up the fellow who did the deed told the other fellow to leave the truck where it was at and to leave the property and they would get the law to streaighten it out, he didnt and the one man did what he said he would do, end result cost him 20 grand but he said it was worth every cent. with a grin. :grin:  :D    JIM

Offline Patriot_1776

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« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2004, 03:41:25 PM »
With all these criminals filing lawsuits against people protecting personal property and life, and still winning big time, it holds true to one thing:  When you need to/must use lethal force to protect yourself, other innocents, or property from someone armed or at least dead-set on causing possibile grave bodily injury in the process of his action, use it to full extent: LETHAL.    Otherwise, there will almost always be a lawsuit filed by the one who proposed the crime in the first place.  Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that for the purpose of ridding yourself of the possiblity of a lawsuit, but the criminal could vow revenge towards you for what you did.  You really don't know what they are thinking when they have been subdued, or even stopped in their tracks before they execute their plan.  Whats really sick about that, is the criminal who was injured can have more leverage AGAINST you in court, being he was on the receiving end, he can testify (or rather, lie) and turn the situation around and say he "Was intending to hurt no-one, etc" and can get the sentiment of the judge or jury or whatever, IMHO.  But according to what has been stated, one of the guys "turned on him," or rather "wanted to harm him in some way," therefore, the bowman was fully authorized to do what he did.  There is no way to judge from the occurence itself whether the other guy wanted to scare him off, or kill him.  I would look at it this way: if the situation were replayed with the crooks given the opportunity of a deadly weapon, would they have used it, or not?  What are the chances they wouldn't in that scenario?  And in the heat of the situation, it cannot be stated "the hunter overreacted..."  I mean please, in a case where a second could most likely mean life or death, will you stand there and think whether you're endangered or not?  Its pretty crazy to me if thats what the government expects of it's citizens.  What could have proved his endangerment to his own life if he was taken down by one man, the other perp could easily use the hunter's own arrows as a weapon(s) to kill him.  What gets me mad in most cases, is the victim who used necessary force to defend himself properly is looked upon as guilty until proven innocent, and the perpetrator is always innocent until proven guilty.  Patriot

P.S.  For the LEOs reading this, does my reasoning sound logically and legally sane, or did I err in some place?  Its really hard to tell with the way things go in the legal systems in this country; so many unexpected loopholes, untolds, and changes...just can't keep track all the time.

Offline rockbilly

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« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2004, 03:59:19 PM »
:D    Lawdog, this here is TEXAS.  Some of dem folks in California may side with the bad guys on a deal like this, but I think they will play hell finding a jury to rule in his favor in criminal or civil court here.  I have many friends in LE (at all levels) several have told me of incidents where people were shot in the process of committing another crime, most of the time they never spend a day in court.  A former county district attorny and fishing buddy often told me that if I ever had to pull the gun on anyone, shoot to kill, then give him a call before calling the police.  He said as long as I didn't have a record, was an asset to society and went to church fairly often, no jury in Texas would convict me.  I don't know if this is true or not, never been in the situation to find out, but it sounds good.

The folks here are really hard on the outlaws.  That should be evidenced by the number of folks that have a date with death in Huntsville.  I think Texas has more on death row that any other state.

Now, we do have some "bleeding heart" judges who will give a sentence of 10 years for murder after a jury of twelve said stick the needle to the bad guy.  But I guess we got those in every state.

Offline Patriot_1776

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« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2004, 04:31:28 PM »
I think Texas has more on death row that any other state.

That, is a non-issue.  It shows proper justice is very prevalent in that state.  More than any other state IMO.  But you get some things happening like in CA, where there is appeal after appeal, etc.  There are some who have died in prison while still on death row for the past 30+ yrs.  Goes to show you what the DP really means around here.  It means most often endless appeals, and often just plain dying from old age, or suicide, if finding out he just can't get the courts to acquit him.  Even so, may as well have been life imprisonment w/o the possibility of parole. :roll:  Patriot

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2004, 01:20:41 AM »
Just an after thought after having read ALL that was written about laws, carrying, bow hunting. I can see no reason to enter any area with just a bow, I think a sidearm is also a requirement.

Offline Mohawk

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« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2004, 02:27:16 PM »
Unless you're in Travis County Texas. Cops get indicted because moving vehicles are not considered deadly weapons. Look at the map, Travis is the one blue county in the sea of red.

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2004, 12:13:10 AM »
Rest peacefully son--those young folks what is the cause of the blues you got--well, they will grow up one of these days, the shine will fade from their rose colored eyes,- reality, clear thinking and soundness of mind will take hold of them. Well, most of em anyway.

Offline shooter444002

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« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2004, 05:20:25 PM »
That sounds like the incident that happened last year, it was in houston and the guy found them stealing his ride and shot one of them in the hip with his bow and killed the guy, was ruled justifiable. In TX you can protect you property.

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2004, 12:02:14 AM »
Doan remember tha story bout tha bow killin, but that is not unusual fer me.
Texas is not unlike most other places, when it comes to appeals, takes years to take em off death row. Now as for me boys, call me a bleeding heart liberal if'n your a mind too, I think a feller in this spot should have all the appeals he is entitled too.
There have been many executed here, an more to come, but a few was found to have reason to question the validity of the sentence.
Hang the correct ones in public, I say, but boys, let us make real sure we got tha right boy and that JUSTICE is done.
Folks got a serious problem bout jumping to conclusions, trying to convict SOMEBODY, without trying to convict the right fellers. There is a feller doin a life sentence, here in Texas, and tha DNA says he wern't tha one. He's been locked up bout 15 years, and is still locked up cause tha county that convicted him is draggin their feet.

Offline LMM

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« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2004, 04:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Mohawk
Unless you're in Travis County Texas. Cops get indicted because moving vehicles are not considered deadly weapons. Look at the map, Travis is the one blue county in the sea of red.

A 1 to 2.5 TON projectile (vehicle) at any velocity (speed) is most lethal!!

3500lb car = 24,500,000 grains

60MPH = 88fps

Energy = 155,893ft/lbs (rounded to nearest ft/lbs)


"If you can blame guns for killing people, then I can blame my pencil for misspelled words."
--Larry the Cable Guy

Offline papajohn428

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« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2004, 08:07:29 AM »
I just read about an incident where a cop and a bad guy were wrestling over a cop's gun, and a bystander came by, grabbed the gun and shot the bad guy.  He sued the cop and bystander for $1.75 Million, for Excessive Force.  The cop countersued for the same amount, and the Texas jury found for him, plus made the bad guy pay for the cop's medical bills.  He also got twenty years in the criminal trial.  The cop never got a penny, but still "won".  The jury foreman said they wanted to send a message about stupid lawsuits, because the jury felt the bad guy had no right to sue anyone, since he started the whole thing by going for the cop's gun during a traffic stop.  Sometimes the good guys DO win!   :grin:
If you can shoot home invaders, why can't you shoot Homeland Invaders?

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2004, 12:36:52 AM »
If we protect our system from becoming all our forefathers were fighting against then everone has the right to the system.

Offline glock29

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Good Deal !
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2004, 05:50:54 AM »
I would like to see ALL states adopt "Texas-style" laws that allow the use of lethal force to protect one's personal property.
It sure would keep the taxpayers from having to foot the bill for room/board of these creeps in prisons.
Up here in Michigan we can unfortunately use deadly force only when there is imminent danger to your or another's life. We have virtually NO property defense rights. It's an absolute crock-o'-krapola !
Always use MUCH more gun than the minimum required to do the job.
Recoil is your FRIEND...It lets you know you are using something WORTHWHILE !

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2004, 11:08:21 PM »
Folks- Texas does believe in putting em up fer a while, and we do it often.
Now that can mean a couple of things-
Texas has got a bunch of folks what doan give a hoot in hell about no law, Texas has a bunch of folks that are pretty persnickity about the law, or Texas wants Texas to be pretty open ( as in space ) an so we try to put everbody up soas we got some space.
Folks the plain truth is Texas is pretty much like most other places, we got our gooduns and baduns. Texas is pretty much like most other places, well in the counties, that is, folks can and do get away with some stuff that in tha cities would get em sent to tha hoosegow. Tha difference is, frum what I reads and know to be a fact, Texas believes that what a man owns he has a right to defend to the death. Same goes with wemmenfolk.
Now if I was amind to defend something of mine to the death, I think I would like to do it outside Harris County. Sometimes I think these folks just like the smell of buring flesh.