i got 80 acres of half heavy brush half 4 year old pine. its inbetween 2 fields. this year they will be planted in corn. the deer trails look some what used but not a whole lot. i want to get the deer in this area as much as possible. i cant plant a food plot. so i'm thinking about a hanging feeder with corn in several places through the 40 acres of mature pines and brush(the new pine is so thick i cant hunt it). several mineral licks, several sights of Magnet Mix, and several Stump Likkers. will the deer use the feeders of corn if there are fields around it? i will have a Trail Cam to see when the deer are using the licks and feeders. does this sound good for getting deer in the area??? PLEASE, any suggestians. THANKS for any info!!!!!!! :grin: