Well I went to work and there wasn't much going on so I ask my Company commandeer for some down time which he give me. I went out at about 11 AM and started walking the woods not thinking I would see anything at this time I was just basically hiking in the woods. I had went about a mile when I heard some noise from my right,, It was a buck and doe standing about 60 yrds from me. Man I didn't expect this so it took me a few second to realize what it was. I was hunting with my 12 ga tracker II open sights so I leveled on the buck and pulled the trigger. Again the NEF's did their job. I hit him behind the shoulder and he fell like a ton of bricks. I think he was dead before he hit the ground. I gave him some time to ensure he was down and out.
When I got over to him I found out he was an old warrior many battle scares and the left side of his horns were broken off about two inches from his hair line. But he was a big buck dressed out he weighted 185 lbs.
This has been my best (By far) deer season to date !