Can't tell you exactly if a Wesson and Harrington Long Tom Classic was ever produced.... But I own a Harrington & Richardson Long Tom 12 that came down thru my family....Straight stock, checkered w/ real nice wood, metal trigger guard, case hardened frame with a 32" Barrel...
What are the first Two Letters on the reciever.... Somewhere here on the NEF GB forum there is a list with letters and the dates when H&R/NEF's were produced.... That might help ya solve the mystery....
As far as the BC with the Wesson and Harrington name that's still produced, as is the 32" Full bore 12gauge barrel from the factory barrel sheet... could be someone married a BC reciever with a 32" barrel and decided to sporterize the BC Barrel... Stranger thing have happened on this forum :roll:
BTW that 32" - 12gauge would make for a nice Turkey gun...I'd like to see NEF come out with it as a Smoke Pole 12gauge, maybe even with choke tube, Aaaah some fiber optic sites and scope mount... Later, MTNMAN :wink: