Author Topic: When is a G2 a better value than a contender?  (Read 1025 times)

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Offline MH WASH

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When is a G2 a better value than a contender?
« on: December 10, 2004, 05:08:12 AM »
Looks like I'm ready to jump on the band wagon with the TCs. Locally I can get a new G2 frame for $247. tomorrow I will be going to the gun show in Spokane. I have no idea what local prices are on used contenders, But looking on the internet they range from $160 to $200. I guess what I'm asking is do I spend $75 or so more for a G2?

Offline Robert

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Redesigned Hammer block safety.
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2004, 05:52:02 AM »
If you pull back the hammer on a Contender and decide not to take the shot, but lay the hammer back down, the hammer block safety has been bypassed. You can bump the hammer and it WILL fire.  Also, if someone pulls the hammer back and assumes that it is 'cocked' and releases WILL FIRE.  Most people that own Contenders are aware of this DEADLY manufacturing flaw...but in the wrong hands it can be ugly.  If you decide not to take a shot after cocking a Contender, you must again pull the trigger guard back and it will be safe.  This is about the only reason I can think of why they built the G-2.  I haven't heard Thompson publish any info on this problem...but I am sure they have been in court many times over this problem and related deaths and injury.  Get the G-2....if you think anyone else might handle your firearm that is not experienced with it.
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When is a G2 a better value than a contende
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2004, 06:00:51 AM »
I would say if you want the G2 features get an Encore, if you don't mind the cocking of the hammer and having to open the action again, get the contender. I have both the Encore and the contender pistols and would not consider the G2. JMHO. :D
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Offline Robert

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I would agree
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2004, 06:04:50 AM »
The Encore will handle anything that the Contender or G-2 will, but is not limited to lower pressure cartridges.  It will handle just about anything that a bolt rifle can.
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Offline karbo

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When is a G2 a better value than a contende
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2004, 07:09:32 AM »
I don't have an original contender but have the G2 version as well as the Encore.  The nice thing about the G2 compared to the Encore is that it feels quite a bit lighter and better balanced.  I guess it depends on what you want to shoot.  If you're looking for high power stuff, I think the Encore is the only choice.  If not, the G2 is more enjoyable to handle IMHO

Offline rickyp

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When is a G2 a better value than a contende
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2004, 07:41:01 AM »
the draw back to an encore is you have to have a special (after market) firring pin to fire rim fire rounds.
all you have to do is remove the factory firring pin then replace it with the rim fire firring pin VVGW is the only place that I have heard of that made this rim fire firring pin (others may now be making them)
If you are not looking to shoot many rim fires this in no big deal.

I personally feel that t/c should have Incorporated the same firring pin system as the contender has.

Offline pigboy

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When is a G2 a better value than a contende
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2004, 08:02:55 AM »
I started with Encores and then got a G2.  I bought an old style contender frame because I wanted to see why so many people think they are so great.  I prefer the G2.  I sold my encore because it was too heavy and bulky for me.  I do not need the extra power.  If you have never had the old style frame, I do not think you will have anything to miss about it.  If you want an old style frame I would give you a good deal on one.

Offline kirkwhitaker

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orginal contender, g2 vs encore...
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2004, 10:05:26 AM »
there are several differences between the g2 and encore and the older contender. the main one being if you cock an older contender and lower the must break it open before you can recock it.
the g2 and encore did away with this problem.
As Robert can accidently fire them WITH THE SAFTEY SELECTOR OFF..pull the hammer back and drop it and it will fire...but most folks who have contenders...both old and G2...follow the following procedure....
break gun open
load gun
close gun
bring gun to firing position
flip the saftey selector to fire position
cock gun
then fire or don't fire gun
if you don't fire...put the saftely BACK ON
then...lower hammer or squeeze trigger guard to break gun....which drops the hammer ....and even without the saftey...the block stops it from reaching the firing pin....

Is no real is common sence to put the gun on saftey before you do anything......even if you have a might slip and drop the hammer........

The G2 and encore have a different grip angle and trigger...I personally like the older version better..I have small hands...but they both work...angle of grip is different...

Contenders and G2 can handle up to 45k psi on a 30-30 case head and 55k on a 223 case head...depending on backtrust more than psi..but that is a "relative"measure.... 375 win and 45-70 will custom barrels in 444 marlin with factory load levels...and 405 winchester with factory loads levels...just don't hot rod them.

the Encore can handle most factory rounds EXCEPT super short mags, ultra mags and rounds on magnum sized or larger case heads...
the 7mm stw is out, 300 ultra is out....7mm ssm is out...too much backthrust.....The Encore is strong..but is not a bolt is still a pivoting lockup...

That said....the 458 win, 375 H&H, etc...300 H&H, 300 Win mag...on fine...
if you want to get a rimfire...stick with the Contender in some form...

Hope that helps...
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Offline Bullseye

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When is a G2 a better value than a contende
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2004, 11:32:11 AM »
When is a G2 a better value than the original?

That is simple.  When there are no originals left and you have to buy a G2.
Seriously though, it is personal preference.  Which grip angle, trigger mechanism and look do you like better.  As I stated earlier, I like the original.

The other thing is that I have seen many posts about problems with older barrels fitting the G2's.  They are suppose to interchange, but it does not always seem to be the case.

Offline MH WASH

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When is a G2 a better value than a contende
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2004, 03:44:41 AM »
I will try to handle both before I buy.I guess it all boils down to how much I can get a older Contender for. If they are close in price I will probably go with the G2. Heck I might even find a used G2.
 I will let you all know later today.


Offline MH WASH

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When is a G2 a better value than a contende
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2004, 02:04:15 PM »
Thanks to all for your help. I did not find a TC I was happy with, tried to buy one from a fellow walking around, but he did not know what he wanted to do with it. The good news is I found something I had been lookinf for for a few years. A Ruger SSM in 32 H&R Magnum. So now the TCs will have to wait a while longer.


Offline Robert

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Ha ha...Contenders will wait...
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2004, 04:03:50 PM »
..gotta follow your heart.  That will give you more time and sonmething to play with till you make up your mind.
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