Hay John: If arkcowman was cleaning out his Grandmother's closet I might tend to think the revolver he mentions is pre-Taurus. A few years ago I had a Brazilian made copy of a S&W Model 10 but in 32-20. It looked like an early Model 10 but had colt style lockwork inside. It was not as smooth or slick as either of the American revolvers it was copied from but these things aren't really copies, they are their own gun which just happens to incorporate the style and workings of some of the better made revolvers of the world.
I would like to hear about the lockwork and style of this partiuclar revolver. If it is as old as it sounds, it may be similar to the one I had and I still can't recall who made it. Mine shot well. it was accurate with 32-20 factory loads. I never reloaded for that caliber but would not have hesitated as the revolver was good and strong.
Oops, almost forgot. Brazil made a lot of that style revolver for its police forces and they were quite popular. who knows, it might just turn out to be a great shooter.
This is the fun stuff. Hope this helps. Mikey.