Graybeard is absolutely correct when he says that gun owners have never won anything . The best we have done since 1968 , was when we won an eight year reprieve under Reagan, and these eight years under Bush, and then only if you don't count the Patriot Act. Other than that, we have steadily lost ground, and will continue to do so. It is only a matter of time until the Lib's solid block of voters, that only vote their Government checks, will be big enough to gain back control of the House and Senate, as well as the White House. A law which prohibits private ownership of weapons is inevitable. As far as deadly force to confist from those who refuse to comply ? I'm not at all convinced it will happen. The Libs have three pipe dreams. (1) If we can get the law, people will comply. We won't. (2) The Police will use deadly force on those who don't comply. They may start out to do so, But remember. The Police are Government employees who are doing a job for pay and retirement, just like the rest of us. On their way to their third stop, one of them is going to do the math. Let's see now, At the last two stops we lost 4 dead and 2 wounded. With 2687 more addresses on the list, there is no way I'm going to live through this job! Time to go truck driving. (3) If the police can't get the job done, the Military will help. Not so. I refuse to belive our youth will be so callow as to use deadly force on their friends, neighbors and relatives, while knowing they are giving up the right to keep and bear after their tour of duty ends. I have been convinced that these are not going to happen because of events after the Stockton School Yard massacre. It is , however, hard for me to believe that an unlikely place like Califoricate has shown us how to defeat the intent and purpose of a turn-in law. After Stockton, the Liberal Governor noted that there were something over 200,000 registered and lawfully owned full automatic weapons and destructive devices, possessed by 94,000 people in the state. He asked for, and got a state law banning them and calling for them to be turned in for future tax deductions, or face healthy prison terms. The deadline came and went with a very small number turned in. They set another date, with amnesty. they got only a couple more. They set a third date, but about that time the governor started receiving letters from Para Military "survivalist" groups (whose members owned most of the weapons) telling him they weren't going to turn them in, but that they could come get them. Included were maps with directions to their compounds. The Governor called the State Police and told them to start picking violators up. The Police told him they wouldn't fare too well against these highly motivated and well trained groups without military help, preferably some Special Forces. The Governor called the Pentagon, explained his problem, and asked for help. The Pentagon called him back and told him that they knew and in fact, had trained many of the people in these groups, and some of the group members had been in on training some of their Special Forces. They would not be able to justify the loses they would suffer in an engagement with them. "It's your law, you enforce it." The Governor went to the State House and talked about how to go about picking the offenders up, one at a time, in their homes and places of employment. After looking everything over, they decided they couldn't afford the cost of the large penal institutions they would have to build for 94,000, or the vast number of new employees it would take to staff the new prisons. The law was quietly discarded as "unenforceable." Not a shot was fired by either side. If we stick together, that is exactly how such a National law would end. Cowpox