If you supply the H&R scope mount (rail) I think the cost for a drill and tap with enlarging (to 8/40's I think) the holes on the rail, bottomtapping the holes for full thread engagement, flat filing the bottom of the screws to proper length for full thread engagement and attaching with epoxy and screws is about $40.00, what I would consider a real deal, you supply the scope rail. One of the guys that sent a 12 gauge barrel in to Ed was Huntennut if I remember correctly and he was happy with the work and the time it took. Maybe we can find him to comment. I have had 2 done, a smoothbore and a Tracker II, they are both great!!!. As a matter of fact my 12 gauge smoothbore shoots the Brenneke Rotwiell MP slugs so well I have been toying with the idea of selling or trading my Tracker II barrel with the scope rail attached, I never use it. I know many out there want and need a slug gun that can shoot sabots out to 100,125, 150 yards but I hunt the swamps and thick stuff and 50 yards is the most I can see, and thats in a clearing!!!....<><.... :grin: