Author Topic: Stainless Uberti Single Action Army  (Read 555 times)

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Stainless Uberti Single Action Army
« on: December 18, 2004, 10:37:11 AM »

Bates liked the looks of this one and took it home. The boxed cartouche is "BU" putting production in the current year.  At first, it seemed to have a rough action but this turned out to be caused by the basepin which was tight and out of round.  He replaced it with a colt replica pin and found the action to be smooth, perfectly timed and the trigger pull was reasonably light.  Cylinder throats were consistent and measured "about452." There was no apparent end float or side play. The cylinder width was the same as other SAAS with Italian genetics - about two hairs breaths bigger than a colt.

The action cycles and feels just like Bates's first and second generation Colts and has a lighter trigger than the factory put on my USFA. Upon taking it apart, he found a durability package built in.

It has the round piano wire, trigger/bolt spring that early living history shooters developed back in the 70s or 80s and a spring/ plunger hand spring arrangement such as is used in the rugers and by the best Custom Smiths who work with the Single Action Army.

Unlike some Uberti USA replicas, this one has a solid cylinder bushing.

I fired five rounds "duelist" at 25 yards putting the first four in a nice silver dollar sized group dead center on target.  The next round landed about 5 inches to the left. I tried again. Yanked another one out to the left even worse.  

In spite of my incompetence with SAAS with barrels shorter than 7.5", I managed to prove that the sights were well regulated and that the revolver is accurate

This gun from Uberti USA is Under $500 and about $100 under the version sold by Cimarron Arms.  Cimarron claims that theirs are specially heat treated and built to stricter specifications.  Funny thing though. Spare parts ordered from Cimmaron and Generic Uberti spares ordered from VTI are indistinguishable side by side.

Likely, the predicted quality improvement coming from the Beretta purchase of Uberti is proving to be a fact.  Hope it is hope it stays that way.
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Offline Graybeard

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Stainless Uberti Single Action Army
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2004, 12:26:50 PM »
Your photos are too large for forum use. Huge in fact. Please resize in the future or make them links not images. I changed them to links this time.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline Dan Chamberlain

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SS Uberti
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2004, 01:02:48 PM »
Neat pics...!  I've always liked your photography.

Dan C

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Stainless Uberti Single Action Army
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2004, 04:51:44 AM »
Sounds like one of those could be a keeper!  Now if they would just not stamp 'Uberti' all down the top of the barrel!  Guess I can have it polished off.  I love the looks of a nicely polished blue gun, but like everyone else, I can see the value of stainless.  Although would any of us allow our blue guns to be handled in such a way that stainless would have real value?  I can't see carrying my blue guns into the woods in a monsoon enviroment.  I can't see ME going into the woods durning a downpour!  So is the value of stainless mearly an illusion?  Or do we just like shiny guns even if the sights are harder to use.  After all, the Lone Ranger carried shiny guns!  44 Man
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