Hello to everyone here. I just found this forum a couple of weeks ago and have been reading alot and learning many things. Single Shot Shooter, I see that you are thinking of a 410 for slugs/buckshot. I have a NEF that I created from scratch that I will share the idea. I had a 22" youth barrel drilled and tapped at the factory for a scope base, I know their literature says they don't drill & tap standard shotgun barrels but they will do a 410 because there is so much steel in the barrel. I added a monte carlo synthetic rear stock and synthetic forend and then had a gunsmith chop off the choke to leave me with a cyl bore. I added a 4x leupold shotgun scope and shoot 3" brenekee slugs into 1" groups at 25 yds. I haven't been to the outdoor range to try it past 25 yds, I have access to a 25 yd indoor range where I work. I will try and learn how to post a picture as I am proud of this gun and I think others will like to see it. Later