Author Topic: Contender question .....  (Read 662 times)

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Offline Flatlander.54

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Contender question .....
« on: February 02, 2003, 03:50:29 AM »
Ive noticed that on some Contender barrels for sale or trade that they are listed as Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, or Type 4.
 What are the differences between the different Types of barrels? Im assuming a Type 1 barrel is an older model than a Type 4. I was also wondering if any of you who have owned any of the 10" .22 pistol barrels could give me some info on the accuracy you get from them. Im thinking about gettin one sometime for squirrel hunting if they group well enough. Thanks for any info fellas.
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Offline TopGun

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« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2003, 09:08:44 AM »
Go to RJ's guns on the web. Actually, od a search for Ron's TC's. It'll come up. He has a description of all the different barrel typs. alot is just the lugs and barrel scripting etc.  As far as TC's in 22lr--I have a 14" 22lr match with a Burris 7X IER and adjustable objective. If you've ever seen ro shot a NRA indoor 4-position smallbore rifle target at 50' you'll what I'm going to describe. At 50' from a slung-prone position with it, I shot a a 99 with 7-X count. I barely missed the 'clean' score because of ring-size. one was touching. I shoot the Eley Orange/Red box, or RWS match 22lr. For squirrles and such, I shoot the same ammo. Head shots are relatively easy. I vote go and get one. You're missing alot of fun! PS-most of better 22lr like CCi, Rem, and Federal all shoot well enough for hunting tree-rats, and head shots to 50yds.
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