Critter, I was never very certain on Red Dots with batteries, always worried about them failing me when I needed it most. when the buck of a lifetime was standing in the open about 40-50 yards away. I tried and liked a couple of old Weaver Quick Points and they seemed to work great but did require ambient light to work well. I did have a Simmons Whitetail Classic 6.5-20x50 on my Bull barreled .223 and it has worked flawlessly, I did a little research on Red Dots and when I found a Simmons 30 mm Red Dot for sale for $28.00 I bought it. I first put it on my .22 Mag Sportster coyote gun, it has a 4" dot but I was able to shoot 1" or less at 100 yards from a bench. I later got a Millett 1" Red Dot with a 3" dot and put that on my .22 Mag and replaced the scope on my slug shotgun with the Simmons (an unconditional 1 year guarentee on the Simmons), since then it has fired many Federal, Winchester, Remington, Brenneke-Rottwiel and recently some devastatingly powerful "Dixie Express" 740 grain 3" slugs with no ill effects. Since I have purchased my Simmons 3 other hunting buddies who have tried it liked it so much they have purchased the same Red Dot. 2 buddies in Maine for coyote hunting and my neighbor across the street from me here at home. For $28.00 bucks and a true hunting sight It works extremely well, although for strict and precise target work you would still do better with a high power scope with fine crosshairs. The literature with the scope refers to 40 hours of battery life (Lithium watch battery, $2.95 from Radio Shack or any drug store!) I have left the power on for a week at a time and just turned the brightness control up to the higher levels and still shot it at the range. One friend has a spare battery in the plastic "blister pack" duct taped to the side of his Sportster synthetic stock, he's good to go for a couple of years!!! I bought mine on-line and am pretty sure they are still $28.00. If you interested I'll do a little research and let you know where I got mine, it may have been "Wholesale Hunter" or something like that, good luck, try it you might like it, know I did....<><.... :grin: