Janitor, I am not sure of the location of your "shortest" measurement but by those measurements I would say thay any newer barrel should be of the same style and design of your gun and should "fit". I say that with a caveat because even though we on this board buy and sell barrels quite often there is often a slight bit of tweaking and fittingwe have to do to them. And it is possible to get a barrel that is just not compatible with your frame pr has been buggered up so badly by someone that is has become almost unusable or unsafe. Also I would not use any the extreme high presuure barrels on you frame even if it was a perfect fit, different heat treatments (possibly). That said, pick up a shotgun barrel, a 45-70, 30-30 or .357, .44 Mag., .223 and have fun. Keep away from the 30-06's, .280, .308's etc. Stay around and ask questions, those of us here will be glad to help. Merry ChRISTmas!!!....<><.... :grin: