Author Topic: Uberti Cattleman Birds Head  (Read 552 times)

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Offline Dusty Miller

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Uberti Cattleman Birds Head
« on: December 21, 2004, 03:46:59 PM »
The Uberti Cattleman Birds Head looks really nice on their web page and at $450 was be easy on the pocketbook if its a good piece.  Does anybody here have any experience with the Uberti firearms that 's tend to push them either way as far as a future purchase is concerned?
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Offline 44 Man

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Uberti Cattleman Birds Head
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2004, 08:22:16 PM »
Their guns seem to be good shooters right out of the box.  Finish is good although if you get one from Cimmaron, it will be finished nicer yet.  I have been looking at one in their 'antique' finish and I really like it.  My only gripe is why do that have to stamp 'A Uberti, Italy' right down the top of the barrel!  We know it is from Italy, we don't need that in bold print on the top of the barrel.  So that is another reason to get a Cimmarron.  Their barrel logo is smaller, more discrete, and says nothing about 'Italy' on it!  44 Man
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