Lone Star:
Hogdon's annual list all 3 loads they list Trapdoor rifles...Lever Actions..and Modern Rifles...and seperate them accordling...Trapdoors...list includes..Springfield "Trapdoor" 1886,Rolling Blocks,and Antique Replicas.....Lever Actions...this data is for the 1895 Lever Action Marlin only...and Modern Rifles..is for Ruger #1 and #3 Single Shots,Brownings 1895 Single Shots,and Modern Bolt Action Rifles chambered for the 45-70....
Their pressures for the various levels range as follows;
Trapdoors...14,400 CUP to 28,000 Cup
Lever Actions...18,600 CUP...to...40,000 CUP
Modern Rifles...29,800CUP...to...50,000 CUP...
You can of course use any of the Trapdoor level loads in the Marlin...and also the Trapdoor loads and the Marlin loads in the Modern Rifles...and the lower rated CUp loads of the Modern Rifles in the appropiate Lever Actions and Trapdoor ...hope that helps...