Author Topic: whats a funnel?????  (Read 817 times)

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whats a funnel?????
« on: January 01, 2005, 12:52:11 PM »
i am a begening deer hunter and WANT TO KNOW WHAT A FUNNEL IS. please and thanks for any info!!!!! :P
I've got to many but never enough!!!! :eek:

Offline Mac11700

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whats a funnel?????
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2005, 01:08:18 PM »
A funnel is anything that will direct a deer thru a paticular could be man made or natural like a steep cliff and a creek...or a gulley in a tree lined stream bed between feilds... or a natural depression in a field that is could be a man made as can put human scent along a paticular trail in different locations where they are and move them...or stop them from entering a feild and set it up to have them come to you  and move the deer in the direction you want...or bring them along a certain path using scents...or it could be where some forest has been cleaned out to a point that enters a feild or even a power line path thru a heavily forested area... there are many different type funnels...

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Offline Daveinthebush

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« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2005, 02:33:23 PM »
Mac is correct.  Funnels can be a very efficient medthod of hunting.  In NY where there are commonly creeks coming off of hills with steep ravines, the deer might only cross at a low area, the top or the bottom.  This makes for a great place to ambush them.  Narrow sections of woods or brush between fields or larger sections of woods are also excellent.  

Like Mac stated, there are many different types of funnels.  Terrain, man made, crops or what ever.  They can be a great place to set up.
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Offline Mac11700

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whats a funnel?????
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2005, 05:07:27 PM » I failed to mention...that is a fovorite of many to way-lay deer...on either side...that would be a saddle in a ridge...they draw deer as a easy opourtunity to cross ...

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Offline iiibbb

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whats a funnel?????
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2005, 06:33:45 PM »
I bagged both deer this year about 30 yrds below a large saddle at the top of a ridge.  Opportunities for deer passing from other side of Mt, and deer coming from same side valley will hit the ridge and then travel along it.  Also I'm about 60 yds above a narrow bench bench that they travel along.

Basically, You get maybe 50 yrds off one of the choke points and just sit still.

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whats a funnel?????
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2005, 04:46:55 AM »
would somebody explain what a saddle in a ridge is?

Offline Daveinthebush

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« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2005, 04:55:46 AM »
A saddle is a depression on a ridge that allows one to traverse from one side of a hill or mountian without going all the way to the top.  Think of a horse saddle form the side view.
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whats a funnel?????
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2005, 06:57:55 AM »

Most of the thoughts and ideas above are good ones. However, the definition given for a funnel is a little misleading as I interpret it. A funnel is not the object that redirects deer, but rather the more narrow path taken by deer that have been redirected. A small but important difference.

Think of an hourglass and the small opening that separates the two bulbs on the top and bottom. That narrow opening is a good theoretical example of a funnel. Rather than hunt in a larger area where deer are free to spread out and thus avoid you, put yourself in the narrow area where the deer must concentrate to move between their favorite areas.

Funnels, as stated above, come in many forms, but the chief identifier is an area that has at least two opposing obstacles to deer movement that are separated by a narrower area that provides good cover or the shortest path between areas of good cover. Deer will naturally be "funneled" by the obstacles on both sides into the narrow area when they choose to travel past the obstacles.

Obstacles may be anything that might deter deer movement. Human dwellings or activity sites, open fields, major roads, precipitous terrain, impenetrable brush, high fences, and large bodies of water are a few that I have identified and used in the past. Funnels may be large (hundreds of yards wide) or very small (twenty or thirty yards wide), and have elements of terrain, vegetation, or both, that provide cover or minimal exposure. The ideal funnel is rather narrow and separates two very expansive and strong detriments to deer movement situated astride two very attractive and different high-use deer areas.

I wish you luck in your search for deer funnels. In my experience, they can be readily found in most deer habitat with a little ground research and a good aerial photograph. They are my most favored ambush points for whitetails, and sometimes the most productive ones are overlooked by other hunters.
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Offline iiibbb

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whats a funnel?????
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2005, 07:43:09 AM »
This has been the most intriguing aspect of my first hunting season.  I was shown the spot I was hunting, but as it was public land (national forest) I tried to find some backup spots to hunt.

It became quickly apparent that the best place to sit was at the ridge though.

It's was a little bit of an overload trying to pick the right place to sit...

I can't wait to do more of my own scouting next year... maybe find my own personalized spots.

I've become aware of the fact that I'm lucky to live in a place where deer are abundant.

Offline Mac11700

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whats a funnel?????
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2005, 07:52:43 AM »

You can "funnel" deer into a paticular area  by using different tatics...basicly your forcing deer to travel differnt route,one that you've made...or other hunters...especially a wary buck who will go a different way when he smells a preditor or human scent...the principle is the same if using brush piles to block a patiular path...but it takes knowing which travel corridore they are's not as good as a natural funnel...but appropiate never-the-less...

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whats a funnel?????
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2005, 07:53:39 AM »
Yes funnels and saddles can be good spots.  Remember, deer are like us.  We want to get the most distance for spent energy, or take the path of least resistance.  A deer typically wont travel 1000 feet up a mountain just to cross to the other side if there is a saddle they can take and expend less energy doing it.  Same with funnels.  A deer will most likely travel a field line right into the funnel rather than try walking through heavy scrub and brush (assuming there are no existing runs in those woods.)  This is especially true of bucks, who half of the year have extraneous headgear that now must find holes in the shrubbery.  But no matter where you hunt the most important thing is...........find out if the deer are actually there first  :P  .
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