I went to the range today with my .243 uv. I tried a couple different factory loads. remington 80gr psp and remington 100gr corelocts. I was surprised at the consistency that I got with the 100gr bullets. I only had one box, but they shot very well. I had one three shot group that I could cover with a dime. The rest were between 1-2 inches. I had my rifle sighted in with the 80grainers, because the first time out they shot MOA. The 100gr seemed to out shoot them this time. The best I got with the 80gr was a 1 inch group, most were 1.5-3 inches. They also seemed to like a dirty barrel. I think the next time out I may try some 90-95 grain loads and see if they will do well. By the way it was 20 degrees when I went and the last time it was 35. I am not sure if that made too much of a difference, but I also did the O-ring trick this time. Sorry about the long post.