Author Topic: Entry level GPS.  (Read 602 times)

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Entry level GPS.
« on: January 11, 2005, 12:10:53 PM »
Ive been eyeballing GPS units lately.  Im completely new when it comes to GPS.  I know what they are and how they work (i.e. satellites) but as to the general function Im in the dark, so bear with me.
Id like to get an entry level unit.  What I wish to gain basically is something I can use for hiking, hunting and scouting in the woods.  Im just looking to go from point A to point B and have the little box tell me how to get back (you know how scouting can be, you wind up wandering around the woods paying more attention to what your looking at then where your going  :) .)  Being able to mark spots (waypoints they are called?) would be nice, but not really necessary to me right now.  I also dont need fancy street and US maps since its mostly gonna be woods use.  So Ive been looking at a couple of units around $100 in the Cabelas catalog.  One is a Garmin eTrex.  The other a Cobra GPS 100 for $90 (and they have currently a rebate offer.)  There were a couple others at $100 too, but these two were what really caught my attention.  Does anyone have any comments on these units?
Also, the catalog talks about logpoints.  I could use a bit of clarification here.  Im assuming they are points that are logged to indicate a travel path.  My question is do all GPS units do this automatically?  What I mean is, can I turn the unit on, start walking to my destination, and along the way does the GPS automatically keep track of my path of travel so that when I get to my destination and I look at the GPS my traveled route will be shown?  Or am I requiered to add logpoints as I walk?  Se, I told ya I dont know much  :grin: .
Thanks for the help.
Brian M.
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