Well the 2004 deer season here in NC has come to an end,
This year was kind to my family.
I took a doe on the opening day of muzzleloader season.
My son killed a cow horn buck the next day with a muzzleloader (his first).
I killed a cow horn buck the next day with a muzzleloader.
The third day of rifle season I killed a nice six point buck.
My son killed a doe the next weekend (his first with a rifle).
The final day of the season (yesterday) I killed an eight point buck with a 25-06 Handi-rifle.
Many fine memories made this year. My son's first deer season. Teaching him to read deer sign, choose a stand site, track a blood trail, skinning and butchering meat, ect. Many quiet days spent together on the stand watching wildlfe, dragging deer over mountainous country, enjoying each other's company.
Tonight, as I am typing, the smell of venison chili from the crock pot is filling the room. A fresh plate of corn bread is waiting as well. The freezer and the photo album are full, life in Dixie is sweet.
Forgive me for waxing nostalgic but in the moment I am overwhelmed.