Yesterday, I mounted my Bushnell Elite 3200 4-12X40 to my new HB .243 Handi and took the gun to the range for the first time.
This was my first attempt at mounting a scope and it went great. Thanks to everyone for the scope mounting advice. Thanks especially to Quickdtoo for the advice on leveling the crosshairs by using a small level to get the gun sitting flat and then sighting through the scope at a string with a weight on the end hanging down a wall. That worked great.
I used a laser boresighter inside at home to get the crosshairs lined up with the bore. (My wife insisted that I buy one!! :grin: She said it would take up less room around the house than a rifle rest!)
I didn't get to the range until nearly 4:00 pm (we had a snowstorm so I had to plow and shovel in the morning, do some chores around the house, then mount the scope).
I used Winchester factory 80gr pointed soft point ammo. All of my shots were off sandbags. Temp. 25 F. No wind.
My 1st shot was at 25 yds. It struck in the 10 ring, level and ~1" to the right of BDC.
My 2nd shot was at 100 yds. It struck ~5.2" high and ~1.75" right of the bullseye.
After the 2nd shot, I adjusted the scope to bring the impact down and to the left.
Shots 3-5 grouped ~7/8" center-to-center, roughly 1" high and 1" right of BDC.
Five shots was all I had time for! By shots 4 and 5 it was starting to get dim out. I didn't take shot 5 until about 4:30pm.
A 3-shot, 7/8" center-to-center group, the first time at the range with the gun, using factory ammo, shortly before sunset, with an out-of-practice, mediocre shooter! I think that says a lot about the gun. A better shot probably could have grouped those 3 shots into 1/2".
My only complaint is the heavy trigger. It breaks cleanly, but it is heavy.