Dogshooter, Remington seems to be like that and I don't know why? the only Remington guns I own are a 870 they seem to be bullet proof and a 1902 Rolling Block rebarreled to 45/70. I do not think i would buy a new Remington since they had problems with the older woodsmaster centerfire semi autos. The recievers were prone to problems and when they went to the 7400 series would not furnish any parts for the older series of guns if you had one and it broke you were out of luck. The gunshop I go to has a whole box of junk receivers from these guns. When I heard of the problems I dumped my 3006 at a loss and bought something else while I still could get rid of it before it broke. The receivers had a problem something about the rails wearing out and then they were not fixable needed to be replaced and Remington said they would not make any new parts if you had a problem buy a 7400. I think at the time they gave you a little credit but not much it still amounted to paying for a new gun. So with that type of attitude I am not a big Remington fan but I do like the 2 I have and they are a time proven design. Jim