Today at the range, I was putting my ten year old Colt 1991A1 thru her paces - shooting a bit high as I normally do, but grouping good. The Mecgar magazines and my one Wilson Combat mag working flawlessly.
Then I put in one of my old El-cheapo mail-order no-name mags, and hit the slide release - "SPROING!" The mag grenaded, locking up the gun.
Took many minutes of finesse and cussing to clear the crap mag out. The floorplate welds broke! I never found the spring - just dumped all the parts into the trash can.
Put in the second El-cheapo mag - got off one shot, then "SPROING!" Same danged thing! Yep, into the trash it goes.
Don't know why I saved them all these years, but I'm finally quit of the junk mags.
All quality, all the way, from here on! :wink: