Author Topic: 28 twist 45cal.  (Read 977 times)

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Offline Ebjonnes

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28 twist 45cal.
« on: January 18, 2003, 12:21:37 PM »
Have any of you guys shot the 1in28 twist 45cal. Encore yet?If so ,how did you like it?

Offline cliffs

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28 twist 45cal.
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2003, 04:33:18 PM »
I have one coming from t/c :o  soon I hope.
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Offline Leon Garfield

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28 twist 45cal.
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2003, 10:13:36 PM »
I have a 209x45 in the 1 in 20 twist and I would not trade it for anything .It shoots an awesome moa group all the time. I think it is a good barrel. Alot of the trouble Thompson has got them self into is the fact that it will shoot 150 grs of powder. If you take the time to find the correct bullet powder combo which you should do with any gun it will shoot fine. I also lapped my barrel which made a big diference.

Offline rpseven

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How do you know
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2003, 08:59:41 PM »
How do you know what twist you have? I just bought a Super 45 cal back in Nov. It shoots pretty good so far I haven't shot it much and haven't experimented with bullets and powder wieghts that much yet. The bullets that I have shot in it has been the Power Belts 195 gr. with two 50 gr. pyrodex pellets. I have bought some 225 gr. power belts to see how they would work because the powerbelt company says they are better out to 200 yds. Oh the shootingthat I have done so far with it has been with the fiber optic sights and not a scope, but I am going to put a scope on it before I shoot it  again, us blind people have to see to. I have a question or two that I have heard conflicting answers on. If you use three pellets (150gr.) will it burn all of the powder? And about this Triple Seven powder, does it do what they say it does and has anyone tried the new TS pellets? Any suggestions on powder amounts and bullets are more then welcome. Thanks :gun4:

Offline Billyboy

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28 twist 45cal.
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2003, 03:51:53 AM »
I have a 45 with the 20" twist and was able to get good groups, but not with Pellets.  Almost every post I have ever seen indicated better accuracy with 100-120gr. of loose powder.  I tried pellets and every sabot/bullet combo imaginable with no acceptable results.  I went to 120gr. 777 with 180 XTP's and now group around 1"@100yd.  Velocity is around 2200fps.  Seems like I looked at a twist-rate table and a long 45 bullet called for a 20" twist, but I may be mistaken.
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Offline Underclocked

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28 twist 45cal.
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2003, 04:24:58 AM »
T/C replaced my first barrel, a 1:20 that didn't seem to want to keep anything on paper let alone hold a group.  Only recently discovered the new barrel is 1:28 and have had just one brief range session with the bullets below.  I had sighted the new barrel in with 180 grain XTPs and it did fairly well with those BUT ....

The bullet is the White PowerStar in 350 grains.  Notice the unique build of the sabot at the base.  The base cup is also smaller than most.  I put a tiny amount of bore butter in those grooves.

The mystery to me though is why T/C's 1:20 twist .45s have widely reported problems (exceptions above noted) and yet my White in .45 with a 1:20 twist is an extremely accurate rifle.  There is still some point of difference (maybe groove depth?) that escapes me.  But, for you fellows above that do get good accuracy from your T/C 1:20 twists, are your barrels blue or stainless?  I ask because the .50 Encore I just bought in blue seems to have a much smoother and more consistant bore.