I don't like offset jaws for Coyotes.A good quality #2 coilspring will get you a nice pad catch.The coyote isn't going anywhere when you do that.I've caught coyotes in Bullberries,Thornapple,Plum thickets,sage and greasewood and rimrocks.If you can't hold coyotes you need to look at your setup,weak springs?,how much chain do you use?,trap placement? I ran 3 day checks as I had a big area and the coyotes had big home ranges.The last 3 years I trapped coyotes hard I never had a pullout.I'm not a big fan of modified traps(4 coiled,offset,laminated) our predessors tried this and it didn't work out that great.My 2 all time favorite coyote traps are 1.Bridger #2 sqaure jaw.2. Montgomery #2 square jaw(high levers)I once modified 20 dozen Bridgers,offset,laminate,4 coiled,base plated.I didn't like them and I was having more foot damage than the stock Bridgers.I'm planning to move back to Montana and trap Coyotes if I can sell our place in S.D. Ma Wolfer wants to learn how to trap and I have some lures I've come up with I want to test.Wish I could see your setup I'm sure we could sort it out.I love catching those "Song Dogs"