I don't know if yours has a half-cock position for the hammer which allows the cylinder to turn freely. But it is safer to half-cock it and then turn it by hand and do like Myronman says. Put one in, then pass one cylinder. 1,0,3,4,5,6. DO NOT TURN IT BY HAND AFTER #6, pull the hammer all the way back and lay it down gently until you are sure you have it right. Take a cleaning rod and insert it down the muzzle and check to see how deep it is going. If you loaded it properly...the rod will go all the way through the cylinder. You can also insert an aluminum cleaning rod in the muzzle when the gun is unloaded and mark it with a sharpie marker....then do the loading process...put the rod in and if the mark is flush with the muzzle...you have succesfully loaded a single-six 'Cowboy Style'.