pattern with one load at a time. until you find a good load for that temperture.. cold weather will pattern diffeently from moderate weather and diferently again in warm weather.. black powder NEEDS compression to shoot best.. it shold start off slow and burn up the barrel to give more velocity .. loose powder with plastci crimp will give heavy recoil and low velocity loads at best..extreems, (very loose powder, and very tight crimp) could be dangerous. use about 75- 82 grains 2f g for starters in paper federal hull.. blow on end of fired hull to see if it has a hole in it after firing and before reloading.. paper hull will only get a couple reloads at best.. . winchester primers will work fine.. put in powder, then .135 12 gauage nitro card, then 1/8 inch cork or what ever to fill out load for good crimp, and then 2 -1/8 or 1/4 thick 12 guage wool felt wad soaked in hot thompson center lube in the tube, called bore butter, and sqeeze excees lube out of felt. let cool an load in hull.this wad system should have about 45 pounds wad pressure.. then 1 1/8 ounce shot. nickel plated is best unless you like scrubbing out lead from bore.. this load is for shot gun with choke. i abhore plastic wads, some swear by them.. when loads get hotter, weather gets extreem, cold or hot,,, plastic wads have failed me.. to each his own. paper hulls work best becouse they dont compress the nitro card diameter, they dont melt on a hot day, and most important they dont give high starting pressures.. yo can go to 3f ater youve gottern used to loading this black .. not many use automatic or bushings for loading black, some say its dangerouse, some dont mind.. ive found it s too inconsistent, and dont like the possibilitys of spark. ive read a account of some poor chap who had his glasses melted into his face from a mishap. he used sandpaper as a funnel to pour powder back not the can. . i put a funnel in the top where the plastic powder holding tube goes and pour powder into it when hull is up in that position. compress the powder not the shot.. good luck dave..