Well; election day has come and gone....some disruptions, some deaths (painfully)
Millions of people voted for THEIR CHOICE for the first time in their lives (including women) .
Did you see the joy on their faces ...how they held their stained fingers up to display...?
Looks like 60-70% of the eligibles voted, in spite of explosions, death threats and threats of reprisals....
Sure looks like they could give many of OUR fellow citizens lessons on how to appreciate the RIGHT to vote...!!!
Neil Cavuto talked with a corporal that was horribly burned during the drive on Baghdad....and he affirmed what a wonderful day it is...
Over here, we have the two sides...still going at it..
A) Led by the President,Secy of State and various Senators and most of us here at GB's forum..... optimism and hope for a brighter, safer, more free future for all mankind...
B) The "nattering nabobs of negativity", led by the likes of Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barbara Boxer, M. Moore and others including a few right here on GB's forum.... finding nothing but hopelessness and despair, powerless mumbling....those types will never truly accomplish anything of value..!!