Tho other option is to buy a used barrel for less than $100 and put/fit it onto your reciever yourself. Let me know what caliber barrel you are thinking of adding and I'll check to see if your reciever will handle it. There is a used 22-250 barrel for sale right now on this forum (unless it's been snapped up) that is a great varmit caliber and many deer have fallen to it also. Many feel It is better for varmits than the .223. That caliber would be safe for sure on your 45-70 SB2 reciever...Get back with what caliber you are interested in and perhaps you can save $100+...My 45-70 frame was fitted by the factory with a 7x57 barrel and two 12 gauge barrels, also the .223, .22-250, .22 Hornet, 45-70, 38-55, .357 Mag, .357 Max, .44 Mag, and 30-30 barrels are all considered "low intensity" barrels and can be fitted to early SB2 recievers...What caliber do you want to add?....<><.... :grin: