I used to coat all my bullets with moly for a few years, it didn't improve much of anything from what I could tell, but I will qualify that statement by saying they were not run over a chrony because I didn't have one at the time. I could use the same loads, coated and uncoated, same bullets, and shoot 1" 10 shot groups with any of my rifle, and they went in the same group/point of impact regardless. They only real trouble was when I decided it was a pain in the rear and wanted to clean ALL of the moly out of my guns, serious pain! Any benefit in barrel life was offset by the number of times my cleaning rod went down the bore with Butch's Bore shine on it! Go ahead and shoot them if you want, I haven't tried Wipe-out or any of it's cleaning imitators on moly, maybe they work as well on moly as they do on copper fouling! That's my experience, hope it helps and I hope a couple more folks with more technology, aka, chrony or pressure gauge gives you their input.